Topic: Database items not shown


I've created a new company and I've added some clients.
When I logout and back in, the newly added clients seem to be gone (not showing in clients, can't select client when I make a new invoice).

When I look into the database, I see the clients that i've added... It looks like FA is not reading the database in some sort of way.

Is this a known error?

Re: Database items not shown


First, we have to make sure of what we are talking about.

In the Sales tab, you used "Add and Manage Customers" form to create new clients ?

You looked at the db, table 0_debtors_master and the table is populated ?

If so, did you, for each client, created at least a branch ? (using "Customer branches:    Add or Edit" option in "Add and Manage Customers" form ?

If so, then the table 0_cust_branch should also be populated.

If you did all that, please confirm that you still have no client available when making a new invoice.


Re: Database items not shown

Hi docusave,

I think FAQ point 2.1 is written just FYI.


Re: Database items not shown

Stupid.. I know what is is.. You have to search for customers, they just don't show up immediatly!

Thanks for replying.

5 (edited by huotg01 07/19/2010 11:30:16 am)

Re: Database items not shown

Thanks Janusz for reminding this feature. I tried before but I was unsure of the way of using it.


6 (edited by huotg01 07/19/2010 09:32:32 pm)

Re: Database items not shown

The demo shows all the results. No problem there.

I will look at rep707 to try to better understand.

Misplaced comment


Re: Database items not shown

Hi huotg01.. There is no problem at all.. But I thought clients show up immediatly. That's not the case. You have to search (part of the name or a wildcard).

Re: Database items not shown


Sorry, my last comment was not targeted to this thread...

That being said, as mentioned by Jarusz, there is another way that will just list the customers. It is convenient when there is not too many of them.
