No I was just running the beta release, with "Base for auto price calculations:" set to Retail, however a got a snapshot from you yesterday and loaded it. I got some errors that I sent to him. But as you suggested I went to >Setup >Company Setup and Retail was not selected, I select, >Save and get this error:
DATABASE ERROR : The company setup could not be updated
error code : 1054
error message : Unknown column 'base_sales' in 'field list'
sql that failed was : UPDATE 1_company SET coy_name='Almacen Naval', coy_no = '00-00-00', gst_no='00-00-00', tax_prd=1, tax_last=1, postal_address ='N/A', phone='', fax='', email='', coy_logo='', domicile='', use_dimension=1, no_item_list=0, no_customer_list=0, no_supplier_list=0, custom1_name='', custom2_name='', custom3_name='', custom1_value='', custom2_value='', custom3_value='', curr_default='USD', f_year=1, base_sales=1 WHERE coy_code=1
Let me know what you think?
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." - Aristotle.