Topic: report in excel error

I run report to pdf is ok, but not for excel (contain unreadable characters), I used utf-8 for Vietnamese. Strange that it did well some day ago. but not now.
Please help.
I can send you the excel report sample but don't know what support email to send.

Re: report in excel error

Did you download a new from /reporting/includes/ the other day?

We did a decode of &amp (to &) characters.

If you did, you might try to experiment with various decoding functions in PHP. I don't have your environment available here.

The decoding should be placed in the function TextCol on line 524 as the first line in the function:


$txt = html_entity_decode($txt);

and in the function TextCol2 on line 557 as the first line in the function.


Re: report in excel error

Dear Joe,
What are various decoding functions in PHP? Could you show me so that i can try one by one please, because i am not good in coding.
Is there some way else to solve this?

Re: report in excel error

Well, it doesn't seem to be an html_entiry_decode problem you have. I don't have this environment as you have. maybe someone else in the community can help here.


Re: report in excel error

It seems to be an encoding problem in the utf8 language conversion.

Is your system environment not in windows but in linux?

Re: report in excel error

Joe has made fixes in excel reporting in 2.2.10. Have you this (or newer) version installed?

PS Joe is running FA on Win.

7 (edited by saeed 01/31/2012 10:05:26 am)

Re: report in excel error

i am using Version 2.3.2 Build 13.01.2012 and i found the same problem in my excel report it is actully occuring automatically every thing was fine few weaks ago.

Can some one help me as i have to customized some reports after converting it in excel..

Re: report in excel error

Your release is rather old. Maybe try to update to a newer release.
