I was able to find the page abou tthe information on the comapny, but even after I changed it, the old name still appears on the drop down menu on the lof in page.
I found the page to create a new company. YEAH!!
But, it asks for the following info:
Database User
Database Password
Database Name
Table Pref (none or 1)
Default (no or yes)
Database Script
New script Admin Password
What is written in each one?
Company: I can add my own company name I guess
Host: ???
Database user: I am assuming the database user name for MySQL
Database password: password for above named user
Database name: Name for new comapnies password
Table Pref: do not know
Default: I am thinking that on the log in page, this woudl be the default company
Database script: do not know
New Script admin password: I am guessing that it has to do with the database cript
Can someone explain this to me? I will call my sysadmin, but I want to do as much as I can, or at least understand it.