1 (edited by advocaat.pollet 12/05/2022 11:35:59 pm)

Topic: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown


Sales - customer_inquiry.php

When searching for unsettled transactions, only the transactions that are overdue are shown.
Transactions that are unsettled but not overdue, aren't.

Kind regards,

Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Hello. I think the meaning of unsettled here is transactions that are due. It has always been set so. Do you want another text, or?


Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Hello Joe,

Unsettled means 'due' but not 'overdue'. I expect to get due transactions (not allocated) when selecting 'Unsettled transactions', not only 'overdue' transactions.

If Frontaccounting only gives overdue transactions, and it is created to be that way, the selection on Salestype should be called 'Overdue transactions', not 'Unsettled transactions'.

Another problem : selection on 'Journal Entry' isn't possible, but Journal entries are there in the list.


I also see that there are several problems when making selections on 'Salestype' in sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php?.
The results are not correct.


Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Yes, I can follow your arguments.

Regarding Journal .Entries, you are right. It should be included.

Would you kindly specify the salestypes problem in customer allocations.

Maybe we have the same problems in supplier ledger.


Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

I have now been looking into this and came to the conclusion that we only add the selection type, Journal Entries.

For reason of backward compatibility, we will not change the 'unsettled transactions'. This will then cause confusing. The 'unsettled transactions' is used in several places now.

Eventually we can change this in a Major update.

The change will be pushed to repo in a while.


6 (edited by advocaat.pollet 12/08/2022 07:06:15 pm)

Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Hi Joe,

Do you mean that 'Unsettled transactions' is also used as 'Overdue transactions' in other places ?  Do you mean not to change the wording, or not to change the sql-query to get due + overdue transactions ?

Problems in sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php? :

1/ Select Sales Invoices
I get 1 record (the first invoice in the system ?), allocated but there should be more than 1 unallocated.

2/ Select Unsettled transactions
I get 1 record (the first overdue invoice in the system ?), not allocated, but there should be more.
This selectionoption should not even exist because 'sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php?' already gives me overdue transactions

3/ Select Payments
I get 1 sales invoice (the first invoice in the system ?), allocated, but no payments
Select 'show settled:' gives the same result.

4/ Select Creditnotes
I get 1 record (the first creditnote in the system ?) that is allocated.

5/ Select Delivery Notes
I get 1 record, unallocated but is an invoice.
Select 'show settled:' gives the same result.

Kind regards,

Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Hi Joe,

The new files solved the problems in sales/inquiry/customer_allocation_inquiry.php?
Was my own fault, sorry.


Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Hi Joe,

'Journal Entries' is not in empty.po-file ...


Re: customer_inquiry.php - Unsettled transactions - only overdue are shown

Is in the repo now: