Topic: CoA Fiscal Year Discussion
@kvvaradha: In FA v2.4.10, en_US-new has 2019 and en_US-demo has 2020. Both are outdated fiscal years, kindly update them and release it again.
@joe: I thought about that when releasing, However it is good to have at least one year back, so that in an eventuallty, a prolonged or deferred fiscal year can be created.
@kvvaradha: Ok. But we have to provide current year selection in the company setup and fiscal years. Those who comes to try new to our fa. They can't create invoice. Because of fiscal year is not new. New users may not know how to deal with it. Hope you understand the situation for the new users.
@rafat: I somehow tend to agree with @kvvaradha and would suggest that at least the demo version to contain the current fiscal year as the default so new users can navigate easily thru the system before they get into the serious stuff. I have some observations about the new Dashboard and would like to bring them out. Which section of the forum is most suitable?
@joe: Ok, I will update the COAs and commit and replace them at Sourceforge. Regarding observations, maybe FA Modifications or Report Bugs Here are suitable.
@apmuthu: Actually, a set of SET commands for a few date variables can be listed early in the sql dump and used everywhere whenever a fiscal year change is needed.