Topic: How can we change ICONS in front accounting


can you please let me know how can we changed ICONS in FA, because you give only 1 ICON for menus, and TICK for process, how can we changed ICONS that must be applied different on different menus / others sections.


Re: How can we change ICONS in front accounting

The various icons are in the themes/*/images folder.

Re: How can we change ICONS in front accounting

hey, thanks for reply to me,

basically i want to change images in every section as my own created images, the folder i know but every image has different name rather than ok.gif,
so how can i encounter this issue,


how can i remove images from BUTTONS or OTHER Places as shown in FA ,

image attached:

please let me know step by step, i am thank full to you.


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Re: How can we change ICONS in front accounting

Create a brand new theme with your icons in place and other customisations.

Re: How can we change ICONS in front accounting

i am trying to customization in theme, so can you please guide me about it?

Re: How can we change ICONS in front accounting

Study existing themes in the FA24extensions repo.