Topic: Improved usability for mobiles & phablets
Add the following line in:-
File: access\login.php
62: echo "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0'> \n";
And also in:-
File: includes\page\
145: echo "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0'> \n";
@joe @itronics @apmuhu
As you probably know this will not make any changes to viewing FrontAccounting on a PC or laptop so you may want to include it in the core? It is also good practice to have a ‘viewport’ defined.
It only works if you hold you phone horizontally
Additional setup and changes to increase usability for mobiles
Create an additional user & user role, restrict access to menu items that you will need when travelling such as:-
Sales Invoices
Purchase Invoices
Add customer
Add supplier
Hide unused menu items in config.php
Copy and paste a theme – rename for example mobileonly:- Some small changes to the css can make a big difference such as:-
Increasing font size and line height for menu items
Decreasing widths of dropdown menus, input boxes, date boxes, text boxes, etc.
Use a ‘split keyboard' such as ‘SwiftKey Keyboard’ available here … e.swiftkey you can make the keyboard smaller and a split keyboard makes it easier to type with your thumbs in horizontal mode.
You could also try a semi-transparent keyboard
Please note: Its not perfect, but you can now create invoices etc. on the move - hope it helps someone.