Topic: purchase invoice tax

Hi Friends
  i ca not see purchase invoices tax in tax report
how i can make it appear?

Re: purchase invoice tax

Only rep209 - Print Purchase Orders - shows Tax on Purchases.
A Print Purchases Listing is needed - both summary and detail.

The function get_po() defined in reporting/rep209.php  uses an sql that has the field tax_included twice with no aliases to differentiate them on fetching them into an array - which one will supercede for it?
The table purchase_orders and the table suppliers both have the field tax_included.

The currently effective sql before filtration and additional columns in get_po() is:

     , supplier.supp_name
     , supplier.supp_account_no
--     , supplier.tax_included
     , supplier.gst_no AS tax_id
     , supplier.curr_code
     , supplier.payment_terms
     , loc.location_name
     , supplier.address
     , supplier.tax_group_id
FROM 1_purch_orders po 
     INNER JOIN 1_suppliers supplier ON (po.supplier_id = supplier.supplier_id)
     INNER JOIN 1_locations loc ON (loc.loc_code = po.into_stock_location);

@joe: FA without Purchase Tax reporting is really handicapped.

Re: purchase invoice tax

FA is certainly not handicapped. Tax is entered when the purchase invoice is entered.


Re: purchase invoice tax

i generate the purchase invoice but i do not see it in tax report just i see sale tax. can you please tell me How?

Re: purchase invoice tax

I found it
you are right Joe now i can see invoice purchase tax in report. there was error from me i found it in supplier it was selected tax exempt i change it to tax it appear. thanks joe and thanks apmuthu

Re: purchase invoice tax

Tax is available for invoicing. I meant about Tax being listed in a report.

Re: purchase invoice tax

This is only temporary tax info on PO. This info could change when the invoice arrive.

I don't think such a report is interesting. You get the tax report for the info later.


Re: purchase invoice tax

Whilst the Purchase Order Tax is temporary, the Tax on the Purchase Invoice is permanent. The Inventory Purchase Report - rep306.php can be extended to show the tax on each item. The effective sql used there is:

SELECT item.category_id
     , category.description AS cat_description
     , item.stock_id
     , item.description
     , item.inactive
     , move.loc_code
     , supplier.supplier_id
     , supplier.supp_name AS supplier_name
     , move.tran_date
     , move.qty AS qty
     , move.price
FROM 1_stock_moves move
     LEFT JOIN 0_supp_trans credit ON credit.trans_no=move.trans_no AND credit.type=move.type
     LEFT JOIN 0_grn_batch grn ON AND 25=move.type
     LEFT JOIN 0_suppliers supplier ON IFNULL(grn.supplier_id, credit.supplier_id)=supplier.supplier_id
     INNER JOIN 0_stock_master item ON item.stock_id=move.stock_id
     INNER JOIN 0_stock_category category ON item.category_id=category.category_id
WHERE (move.type=25 OR move.type=21)
  AND (item.mb_flag='B' OR item.mb_flag='M');


The 0_supp_trans.ov_gst is expected to contain the tax.