Hi apmuthu:
I have run into a new problem.
After using the add on successfully last month I have a new problem cropping up.
When trying to import a general journal entry list of transactions, it says that the transactions are duplicates and that I cannot enter them.
When I turned on debugging I get the following message when doing a trial run to import transactions:
trigger_error('DATABASE ERROR : cannot add journal entry
error code : 1062
error message : Duplicate entry '0-169' for key 'PRIMARY'
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 0_journal( `type`,`trans_no`, `amount`, `currency`, `rate`, `reference`, `source_ref`, `tran_date`, `event_date`, `doc_date`) VALUES('0','169','1239.23','CAD','1','169','','2017-11-01','','')
I checked type=0 and trans_no=169 and if I understand the mysql database correctly, this was a transaction way back in 2009. My trans_no's are over 2000 now.
Any help from you or anyone else with a safe solution to my problem would be appreciated.
Bill Dika