Topic: Help With implementation... please!
Hi Again!
I'm almost ready to start using FA in a test environment first, and production as soon as possible.....
but I need some help ....with my particular implementation
My small company works as service seller, we sell consulting and construction services..... and sometimes manufacturing....production items
Question is: how should we assign separatedly purchases and for each sales order.
We should know this in order to keep track of what has been buyed for each construction serivice sold, this is a common use in contractor companies...
Tats is because we invoice, against a sales order, porportionaly as we buy or build.
This is called "proportional works certification" (in spanglish)
We also have differents types of contracts... but I think that separate purchases and/or costs for each sales order would be enough......
I'm not sure if it could be done with Frontaccounting straight or if we need some modification.
I need just ideas/suggestions/advices
Thanks a lot in advance.... to anyone.