1 (edited by alejreb 05/14/2009 10:19:13 pm)

Topic: Help With implementation... please!

Hi Again!
I'm almost ready to start using FA in a test environment first, and production as soon as possible.....
but I need some help ....with my particular implementation
My small company works as service seller, we sell consulting and construction services..... and sometimes manufacturing....production items

Question is: how should we assign separatedly purchases and for each sales order.
We should know this in order to keep track of what has been buyed for each construction serivice sold, this is a common use in contractor companies...

Tats is because we invoice, against a sales order, porportionaly as we buy or build.

This is called "proportional works certification" (in spanglish)

We also have differents types of contracts... but I think that separate purchases and/or costs for each sales order  would be enough......

I'm not sure if it could be done with Frontaccounting straight or if we need some modification.

I need just ideas/suggestions/advices

Thanks a lot in advance.... to anyone.

Re: Help With implementation... please!

I was thinking if Dimension could be used in this way.
asigning one level 1 dimension name for each work for a client .
I think it could be possible to modify dimension and filter, to afect buys also, not only sales.
Am I right?

any ideas?

Re: Help With implementation... please!

Yes, you can use dimensions on both sales sales and purchase lines. You can decide when invoicing how to use either default dimension on customer or select another one.
You can experiment with the Training Co. on the various options.


Re: Help With implementation... please!

Hi joe, and thanks for your answer.

Problem is when I`m buying...
I should be able (in my case) to allocate to a dimension that purchase.  cause my reports should show how much $ I've spent on buying things for that particular dimension (should I use work name instead of dimension?).
If I have to split  purchase orders... no problem  (actualy a purchase order could be issued for goods/services to be used for more than one specific client, or even same client but different work)

Maybe I'm not understanding the real functionality of dimensions even after reading forum posts on this.

I have 3 companies installed on my server one is for the real stuff and the rest are for testing purposes... I have tested on my scenario but need some clues to deploy FA in the right way, or try to modify/add functionality.
So, again, many thanks for any idea....

Re: Help With implementation... please!

joe wrote:

Yes, you can use dimensions on both sales sales and purchase lines. You can decide when invoicing how to use either default dimension on customer or select another one.........

Joe As you describe, this functionality would be perfect for my needs!!
But I can't get no options of changing dimension for each purchase line or sale line (in purchase or sales order)
My goal would be being able to allocate each line of orders to a specific dimension, just one level is enough for me....
Is it possible with FA straight? or I should modify the code?

Thanks a lot again.

Re: Help With implementation... please!

The dimension on the customer follows all the item lines. But you could also set a dimension on the items itself (in the items form), should you prefer.
When the delivery has taken place it uses the same dimension as set on the customer. Here you can see that the purchase is also taken care of.
Please look at the delivery note in Customer Transactions. Press the GL icon and you will see that the dimension is set on the line too.


Re: Help With implementation... please!

thanks Joe, I'll check it.

Re: Help With implementation... please!

Hola alejreb, yo soy de Argentina y tambien estoy interesado en adaptar el sistema para Argentina. Me interesaria contactarnos para ver que podemos lograr juntos. Saludos, Ivan. (ivan.puccinelli@gmail.com)