Topic: Sheduling transactions by Cron Jobs


FA not have Scheduling Transaction handler and I want to built one. Currently FA only able to schedule FX rates and this update happens on new transaction entry but I need cron to be run on daily basis. This is because we have percentage calculator per day and this should be handled by cron jobs.

I want to know what is the best way to hard code Cron Job support for FA without modifying core files ? is there are future development hook or some kind of hook that I can hang on my code?


Re: Sheduling transactions by Cron Jobs

You can modify the exchange rates with your custom rates by using cron job.  But You need to fill up the datewaise things every day. That can be used in other parts. But if you want to use today exchange rate as yours.  You must enter the date and exchange rate before you start using the sales order or purchase orders.

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