Topic: Transactions not showing in GL and general reports (DUTCH COA)
FA version 2.3.19
I am using the Dutch COA. This is what is happening.
I make a transaction on Dec 20, 2013.
Active period Jan 1, 2013 until Dec 31, 2013.
Transaction is memorial booking:
1000 Kas 100
A/ 1695 R/C Aandeelhouder 100
Transaction is recorded correctly, journal entry is OK etc. No problem.
Then I do this:
Tab: Bank & GL
GL -> GL Transactions
Enter Starting date: 01/12/2013
Enter Reproting date: 31/01/2014
From Account 110 Concessies, vergunningen
Until Account 6099 Overboekingsrekeing fabricagerekening
Now ONLY the transaction on account 1695 shows up.
The transaction on acct. 1000 does NOT show up.
Actually, reporting starts at 1300 Handelsdebiteuren.
However, when I enter this account range:
From Account 1000 Kas
Until Account 6099 Overboekingsrekeing fabricagerekening
The transaction on acct 1000 DOES show up.
So the transaction is there, the report is there. It is only highly dependent on the range you request. It seems something weird is happening in the query, that 110 is considered larger than 1000 or so.
Now another problem is that this only happens in my production database. I have a test database, which I created in the very beginning of installation. At the same time I created the production database. But I did not change any accounts or made any accounts inactive. The Dutch COA is installed. This test database DOES show a transaction on acct 1000 when I set the acct range from 110 to 6099.
Since this is hard to reproduce on a different database, I am willing to send my production database to whoever wants to dig into this problem.
I am totally lost, and this is highly awkward because it looks like no transactions were made on certain accounts.