Topic: LDAP Auth

I am trying to get the LDAP authentication to work with FA.  I have tried installing the module from with in the FA set up but I just get the normal login page.  I have also tried downloading the tar.gz file but get these errors:

include_once(./includes/db/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in file: /var/www/frontaccounting/includes/ at line 185
include_once(): Failed opening './includes/db/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in file: /var/www/frontaccounting/includes/ at line 185

This is running on a Ubuntu 10.04 apache2 server with the current stable version of Frontaccounting

Any suggestions?


Re: LDAP Auth

I have not used LDAP extension module, but there is normal that you see normal login page. LDAP authentication is done in background, but the page used for login is the standard FA form. After installation you have to configure LDAP interface in modules/auth_ldap/config_ldap.php.

Re: LDAP Auth


I'm making some improvements to the LDAP extension, to satisfy some of my own requirements.  My github repo is here:

If the maintainer likes what I'm doing (and I don't cause any compatibility problems for anyone else using this extension), perhaps they'll pull my changes into the FA repo for everyone to use.

Re: LDAP Auth

It is indeed quite heartening to note that my GitHub repo has been forked by 11 people and 3 users have provided a star (*) as well.

(*) Date of Fork with path

2013-09-30    4myPAL / frontaccounting
* 2013-09-05    ahmedgomaa / frontaccounting
2013-10-14    badboys0505 / frontaccounting
2013-09-30    bregananta / frontaccounting
2013-04-30    christianestrella / frontaccounting
2013-05-30    dinhseva / frontaccounting
2013-10-14    jgera / frontaccounting
2013-09-05    MSofiaH / frontaccounting
2013-11-07    msquared-id-au / frontaccounting
2013-05-30    qernni / frontaccounting
2013-05-30    TuyetVu / frontaccounting

Re: LDAP Auth

This kind of collaboration is why I like open source so much.  :-)  Thank you for maintaining the extensions in github!

Re: LDAP Auth

Thankyou for the thumbs up! It makes it worthwhile doing it when we know we can all benefit from it.

Re: LDAP Auth

barrydocks wrote:

I am trying to get the LDAP authentication to work with FA.  I have tried installing the module from with in the FA set up but I just get the normal login page.

Update your auth_ldap, have a look at the sample configuration file in modules/auth_ldap/config_ldap.php, and modify that configuration to suit.