I am getting the exact same error. OpenSSL is open and working. The Diagnostics page reports no errors. I started using a Windows 7 machine and just installed Xampp server and ran FrontAccounting through xampp's defaults. Everytime i clicked on any of the install links it would crash apache. Xampp would restart the service. I noticed other users stated they used a different computer so i formated the machine i was using and installed Windows 2003 server as another attempt. I setup xampp again and i still received the same problem and apache is crashed and restarted in the process. In fact the xampp install shows multiple ports (main 2 show as 80 and 443). When you click on the install links a bunch of 1000-1300 ports are accessed (i can only assume OpenSSL) while ports 80 and 443 are either dropped or not shown. I decided to see if xampp is the problem so i deleted the entire xampp and installed Uniform Server. Uniform server's default settings are set for openssl as on for the default. FrontAccounting install listed no problems. On this install Uniform Server does not show any errors, but it performs the same actions when clicking on any of the install links. I don't seem to lose apache server, but either way i cant use this software if I click a link and it thrashes my webserver. I understand that it could be settings, but this is the equivalent and a self destruct button because FA doesn't get what it's looking for or my webserver doesn't understand it.
The only errors appearing in the log file are listed below. I attempted to see if the PEAR directory was a problem and changed various links within the xampp settings, but in the end nothing worked. This is very frustrating as I was going to demo the software, but the errors make it unusable in any enviroment. I am at a point where i will dump FA if i cannot fix this issue. I really would like to give it a try and support the community, so if you have any ideas on where to start, please send them my way.
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:04 Europe/London] 0::session.inc:369: include_once(./faillog.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:04 Europe/London] 0::session.inc:369: include_once(): Failed opening './faillog.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:/UniServer/home/us_pear/PEAR')
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:04 Europe/London] 4 Domain file "./lang/C/LC_MESSAGES/C.po" not found.
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:12 Europe/London] 0::session.inc:369: include_once(./faillog.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:12 Europe/London] 0::session.inc:369: include_once(): Failed opening './faillog.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:/UniServer/home/us_pear/PEAR')
[19-Nov-2012 17:27:12 Europe/London] 4 Domain file "./lang/C/LC_MESSAGES/C.po" not found.