Hi Vdonatiello,
Sorry for the very late replied. I was replied your email last week. But anyway, I will also reply you over here. The last version of Mobile Edition will support FA 2.3.7. There are some core files change which may conflict with the latest FA version.
My reply to your in email:
A) Basically, this Mobile Plugin is 100% written from scratch. You can plugin into your existing FrontAccounting if you match exactly the same FrontAccounting versioning. For example: FA 2.3.7 (My last released). Now, FA already go ahead to FA 2.3.12. There are so many version behind. The best you want to test it out is just downloads the previous FrontAccounting 2.3.7 and use the ftp to migrate all Mobile Plugin files into FA 2.3.7 directly without changes any line of code. Notes: (This is for your testing purpose only)
You can install this Mobile Plugin before or after running your FA. Your data will remain the same in your database. No overwrite, no changes, and nothing touch on your database. The only changes is overwrite the files in FA. So, I encourage people who wish to use just BACKUP your data before you deployed. Anything happen, just rollback to the previous backup version will do. It will back to normal.
b) Based on FA 2.3.7, you are safe to deployed the Mobile Plugin and overwrite the files. As I said, please BACKUP your existing FA before you deployed. Restore it if you don't like the Mobile Plugin. You are back to normal.
The Reason I didn't continue with this projects is because I have no funds and resources to maintain it. It is good if you have developers who can help you to extends it and it will be very helpful. Hope you understand it.