Hi Janusz,
thank you very much for your comment, it is great to see that FA is indeed an actively developed product, with the community actually having an influence. Great stuff, thank you very much.
Regarding your questions, I´d like to throw in my two cents. As I mentioned, I am neither a programmer nor an accountant, but based on my work experience I believe I can contribute a bit here. Please allow me a few comments.
itronics wrote:I think the most apprioprate way to distribute landed costs is assigning them in proportion to item values in invoice...
I basically agree, proportioning the costs based on item values is probably the most widely used procedure. However, in order to keep it very flexible, I would suggest FA offers three different options as how to calculate the cost proportion:
Based on:
a) item value (as you suggested)
b) item quantity
c) number of invoice lines (e. g.: 4 lines, then every line receives 1/4th of the landed cost)
From my point of view this could be very easily implemented in one and the same function, something like this:
Function CostAllocationPercentagePerInvoiceLine()
If method ="item value" then
return line_value/ total_value
If method ="item quantity" then
return line_quantity/ total_quantity
If method="invoice_lines" then
return 1/total_number_of_invoice_lines
End If
End If
End If
End Function
itronics wrote:...but another problem is where and how this mechanism should be implemented in FA? Some costs which should be handled as landed costs (e.g. shipment) are often documented on separate invoice issued by another company. How you would see the mechanism which would allow landing costs distribution in this case?
You are precisely describing the problem. My thought is this: The process of converting costs to "landed costs", i. e. stock value, should happen as late as possible, because this is when most information is available. Also order quantities might differ from shipped quantities, and costs should be calculated based on the real stock. That's why I would suggest to do this cost allocation just in the very moment when receiving the goods into the warehouse. I could see one of the following scenarios:
a) Simplest solution: Add landed costs as one lump sum
When receiving goods into the warehouse (i. e. receiving the Purchase Order (PO)), FA could offer one single field where the user types in the total amount of all additional costs (same currency as the PO). In this case, these costs need to be calculated externally, this would typically happen in Excel. This would be a great improvement already.
It might happen that for example the shipping company did not yet provide the invoice for this particular invoice. In this case, an estimated value could be used. All the accountant would need to do is to post any difference between estimated and real invoice amount as expense (or income). That´s not "perfect", but much better than not incorporating the costs at all. And of course, that´s perfectly legal (at least in the countries I know, but one always needs to check locally).
Next to the field with the amount there should be a pull down menu that offers the different options as how to distribute the costs (by value, quantity or item line).
b) Keeping record of the different costs
In a more elaborate version FA could offer a separate page when receiving the goods, where all details about the costs being incorporated into stock value could be stored, e. g.:
Supplier, Invoice number, Invoice date, Description (e. g. shipment, or customs), and amount
The impact on stock value would obviously be the same, but this way it would be easier later to figure out what was posted into stock value. This could be extraordinarily helpful for example when a company is being audited, or simply if somebody wants to verify later if all was done properly.
On top of this, I would even recommend allowing to choose the currency for every invoice, and store the used exchange rate in the database.
Again, that's just my personal thoughts on this topic.
Thanks again for considering all this.
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