Topic: What am I doing wrong here?

Hi all,

Trying to add a supplier credit note, but the VAT does not seem to calculate. Have checked that 'taxes' and 'tax groups' in 'setup' are OK and have checked in 'Purchases' > 'suppliers' that the supplier has the correct tax group.

If I add a customer credit note on the 'Sales' side everything seems to work OK.

Any help appreciated.

Best regards,


Re: What am I doing wrong here?

I've had a closer look at it. The Tax works correct when working on Item lines if everything is setup correctly. You are right that when entering GL lines there are no Tax calculations. There might be a reason for that. I will deep into it further.


Re: What am I doing wrong here?

Hello again,
Yes, there was a reason for not calculating the tax on GL lines in both the Supplier Invoice and Supplier Credit note. The reason is that it all depends on which accounts you post to. You have to enter the correct Tax-in values as GL lines as well.
The automatic calculation of Taxes is only working on Item lines. I hope this gives some meaning.


Re: What am I doing wrong here?

please am getting it impossible now to view all  our transactions (acounts payables) and to even see the list of suppliers.just a single name(ebot blaise) appears.
again when i give a command by specifying the date , e.g from 01/01/2009 to 16/11/2009, it will instead give for the past one month
have i done something wrong?
waiting your help