Topic: Integrating FrontAccounting with Magento 2.0

Great forum and a lot of good info..

New member and I apologize if some of my questions may not be as technical as most.

We have been using older version up to 1.9.01 Magento for quite of some time. It started off version 1.0 and over time went as high as the above version.

While running Magento E-commerce, we were using Sage MAS90 accounting software (small fortune was invested for this software package over 20 years ago). We were never able to merge both platforms to eliminate double entry accounting processes.

I am given a task to find a complete solution both in E-commerce and accounting software allowing to operate side by side to eliminate the excess of costs driven from incompatible systems. There are such packages available at extremely high costs, but not something in line of our basic requirements, which is staying with Magento E-commerce platform. We rather walk away from MAS90 rather than from Magento.

We have been evaluating to upgrade our version of Magento to version 2.0. In passing I picked up a section in Magento website about its ability to merge with FrontAccounting software package using Cartspan Extension with Magento. A lot of positive comments were found respectively by other users who successfully merged both platforms and I am interested to performing the same.

Before we can even consider changing both the accounting system and then the higher version of Magento I have some basic questions if I may please.

1.    Is FrontAccounting has the ability to import files from MAS90 – content of all the modules if it is even possible. Version of Mas90 we are stuck with is 3.31

2.    Is FrontAccounting has the ability to import  files from Magento – actual transaction details of each sale and customer.

3.    Complexity of this migration and then the integration – we have few software engineers with a lot of experience.

4.    Costs are bare minimum from what I can see compared to others – and if needed, we will pay for consultants who can be instrumental in accomplishing this task. Not worried for making decent donations and pay necessary costs either. We made major contributions to all Open Source solutions that we used over the years and will do the same here.

5.    Majority of our infrastructure platform is based on BSD and Linux and only few workstations that are running Windows OS. The preference is to stay with the same.

If we have to start all over again and adhere to this combination of solutions, that option is also available. But we rather look into migration option to these solutions, if possible, to minimize overall costs of inputting and setting up new data.

Any information to phase one and guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

2 (edited by apmuthu 10/06/2016 05:13:48 pm)

Re: Integrating FrontAccounting with Magento 2.0

Contact any of the FA Support consultants in the Wiki.

FA has 78 to 80 tables in MySQL and the schema are well documented. Importing data into FA will be trivial using any MySQL Client (phpMyAdmin, SQLyog, etc).

Creating plugins for features / reports available in your existing accounting system will be the real time hogger.

As you have sufficient tech personnel with Linux experience that should work in your favour.

As far as Magento eCommerce (v1.9.01 2014-05-15) is concerned, upgrading it to the latest version (v2.1.1) will be the first step and as it uses PDO_MySQL, your work becomes easier. The latest version of Magento uses the Zend framework and Symphony quite extensively besides a number of other libraries with their version specifics handled by composer.

If there are any specific roadblock you encounter, the forum here is well supported.

Good Luck.

Re: Integrating FrontAccounting with Magento 2.0

Thank you much for your reply..

It gives heads up on areas that were not sure.

I will keep you posted on the progress as we go forward.

Again, thank you!