Topic: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry

How can I lock reconciled transactions after reconciling them so no body can edit after reconciling them just like that video shows:

Re: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry

Looks from the video, the NAP Online uses FA v2.3.x.
All these videos are usable for the most part for FA too.
They are very well produced.

Re: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry

If i want to Lock the reconciled transactions in FA 2.4 How can i do it.

Regards and thank you very much for your reply

Re: lock reconciliation edit from journal entry

Take a backup of the FA before and after the reconciliations and do a diff ( That will give you a clue to use a different DB username with edit permissions for the affected field(s). This is only a quick 'n' dirty fix that you can revert from after the deed is done.