Hi there,
I need to apply some additional tax inside sales operations (quotation, orders, invoice), but just when the total amount is greater than an specific amount.
Example 1:
A sale above $1000.00 must have 1% of Tax B, in addition to Tax A.
Product A......... $  500.00
Product B......... $  500.00
Subtotal........... $1000.00
Tax A............... $  130.00
Tax B............... $    10.00
Total Invoice .... $ 1140.00
Example 2:
A sale below $1000 must have only Tax A.
Product A......... $  500.00
Subtotal........... $  500.00
Tax A............... $   65.00
Total Invoice..... $ 565.00
Is anyone have worked on something like that, please share your ideas!
Thank you,


And what does it mean 3*M column in Inventory Planning Report?


I've created a new role with only "Sales order edition" role. This only let me create orders, but I want to grant access to Inquiry Sales Orders.
So I change the $page_security in sales_orders_view.php with the same value as sales_order_entry.php, but when I log in the Inquiry Order Sales is always disabled.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi, in my case my question is as follows:

When a Salesman logs in and is ready to start a new order, I would like that the customer list in the new order can shows only the customers assigned to the Salesman logged in, instead all of the customers in the database.

What would be the steps to make this?


In my case my question is as follows:

When a Salesman logs in and is ready to start a new order, I would like that the customer list in the new order can shows only the customers assigned to the Salesman logged in, instead all of the customers in the database.

What would be the steps to make this?


I found the issue.
The table lock_stock was empty. Maybe the records was not copied during a database transfer. I retransfered again and Reorder Levels and Item Status is ok.

Thanks for the test. That was a very good help.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for your responses. I did all the steps once again. Now the results are good. I think my error was that I was trying to login using the old theme 2.1 fancy. The solution was: I started over the upgrade but I changed the theme to default before the upgrade. Then after the upgrade, I installed the 2.2 fancy theme and now is working well.


I have one location, the code name is just "DEF".
I was testing on "Reorder Levels" link too, it seems to have the same problem, no data display.
Is it related too?

It's only appears the header of the table, with no data.
Just the headers and then, the Back button.

Of course I have items and existences.
The only way I have is the Stock Check Sheets.

Inventory Item Status does not show any data. I've checked in 2.1 and 2.2 versions and it appears the same issue.

Can you explain something about that?



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I have the same problem, and I can't solve it.
I've upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2 and I applied the upgrade to the database, no problem there, I could browse through the tabs. All users have a prefix FA 2.1, I've create a new role as Alvin said,  I reassigned the new role to adminitrator user, and comment the security_group and security_headings, then I logout.

When I try to login again appears the message: "The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function", and I can't login.

Can you explain how to fix this?
