(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thanks very much


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

We need to raise proforma invoices sometimes and the sales qjuotation report seems an ideal way to do this except that it doesn't include the VAT.  Is there any way to include this?


Just wondered whether anyone in the UK had come up with the definitive way to enter fuel scale charges for the VAT 100 form



(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I am trying to set up a simple stock control system but am having considerable difficulty.  A simple example of what we need to do is:  We sell things called marker rings either singally or in packs of five.  I set up a manufactured assembly - Marker Ring x 5  which includes includes five single marker rings.

If I now log a sales order for 1 set of Marker rings x 5 the stock of marker rings reduces by five but when I then deliver and then invoice the customer the stock increases by five back to its original level.

Processing an order for a single marker ring behaves as expected - reducting the stock by one all the way through.

If I use the direct invoice method the stock doesn't reduce either although again it does when single marker rings are processed.

Am I doing something wrong or is this behaviour correct?  If so is there a way I can achieve what I want.  I've looked at sales kits but it's no good displaying individual or calculated prices on the invoice.

Any advice welcome - thanks

It seems that zero rated VAT items entered via Quick Entries are not being included in the Tax Report. 

Simply changing the VAT code to one that is not zero in the Quick Entry Setup then causes any transaction to be included correctly


(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Great, I think I have solved it by creating a Shipping tax group with all the tax rates in it and shipping set to 'yes', but I will wait now for latest version



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The problem I find is that I have to set the shipping tax to 'no' in Tax Groups because it is already set to 'yes' for our standard VAT rate used for domestic sales.

Is there any way round this?


(4 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Because we export to the EC we have a seperate zero VAT rate for EC countries.  We have found that although shipping is included correctly on domestic sales in the outputs column of the tax report it is not included anywhere within the outputs column for EC sales.

I imagine we can get round this by adding a shipping item to EC invoices but we would like to avoid this if possible.

Can anyone advise please.


Sorry, my mistake -  forget above - had set a couple of entries to bank deposit instead of bank payment.

I have set up more than six Quick Entry items but can only access six of them in the drop down when trying to make payments. 

Is there a limit of six or is there some way of increasing the number? They're very useful for entering miscellaneous service items

Just to clarify:

The P and L report is not showing any stock purchased, although it is showing service items (delivery) from the same invoices.  The COA is as installed and nothing else has been modified.

I am clearly missing something pretty simple, I would have thought

I am just setting up FrontAccounting and am very new to this having spent many years in the clutches of Quickbooks.

Everything is nearly ideal but I have now found that having entered a purchase direct invoice none of the purchased items appear in the profit and loss report.  The shipping item which I have set up does, however.

I am using the British COA and am not sure what effects whether or not an item appears in the P and L report or not.  I have tried changing GL accounts for the items, in fact just about every combination but I still can't get any item apart from shipping to appear in the P and L report.

Would be grateful for any help


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Just been setting up FrontAccounting and must say am very impressed with what I have seen so far.

Have one problem though.  I know the topic of UK VAT has been discussed before and in fact because we file on an accrual basis I think we can get round this without too much difficulty.

However, we export most of our products many to VAT registered companies in the EU. For these we have to file a separate Sales List which just lists the VAT number and total sales value for each customer during a three month period.

I can't see a way of achieving this simply without going into the black hole (for me) of SQL.  We can nearly get there by creating an EC tax group and a dimension.  Then, by doing a GL transaction query we get individual sales lists.  The only problem is that it lists each invoice line rather than just the total for each customer and in addition I can't find any way of including the shipping charge.  Adding a column with the VAT number shouldn't be a problem (I hope) but any help on how to achieve what we want would be a help.

Great product though.

Thanks for quick response - tried as you suggested and just came up with same error message so must be a compatibility problem.  We are going to solve this by moving servers because there may be other issues as well that we haven't discovered - Have already talked to our hosts to get it organised.

Many thanks again

I don't know whether this is an install error or a bug but since this is a clean install with no data I am posting it here.  As I say clean install, no data but I get this error.  Have tried setting up new db and reinstalling and have also tried with data but always same problem - Everything else is fine and I think the whole product looks very good.  Our server is running PHP 5.2 and MySql 4.1.11 - I know this is a fairly old version but have checked with host and all requirements are met, so should not be a problem.  Any help appreciated.  The full message is:

DATABASE ERROR : Error reading record set
error code : 1064
error message : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')) as tr)' at line 32
sql that failed was : SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ((SELECT trans.type, trans.trans_no, trans.reference, supplier.supp_name, trans.supp_reference, trans.tran_date, trans.due_date, supplier.curr_code, (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_discount) AS TotalAmount, trans.alloc AS Allocated, ((trans.type = 20 OR trans.type = 21) AND trans.due_date < '2011-04-01') AS OverDue, (ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_discount - trans.alloc) <= 0.005) AS Settled FROM 0_supp_trans as trans, 0_suppliers as supplier WHERE (supplier.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id AND trans.tran_date >= '2011-03-02' AND trans.tran_date <= '2011-04-01' AND trans.ov_amount != 0) UNION (SELECT 25 as type, trans.id as trans_no, trans.reference, supplier.supp_name, '' as supp_reference, delivery_date as tran_date, '' as due_date, supplier.curr_code, '' AS TotalAmount, '' AS Allocated, 0 as OverDue, 1 as Settled FROM 0_grn_batch as trans, 0_suppliers as supplier WHERE supplier.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id AND trans.delivery_date >= '2011-03-02' AND trans.delivery_date <= '2011-04-01')) as tr)