Topic: profit and loss report - cogs missing - setup error?

I am just setting up FrontAccounting and am very new to this having spent many years in the clutches of Quickbooks.

Everything is nearly ideal but I have now found that having entered a purchase direct invoice none of the purchased items appear in the profit and loss report.  The shipping item which I have set up does, however.

I am using the British COA and am not sure what effects whether or not an item appears in the P and L report or not.  I have tried changing GL accounts for the items, in fact just about every combination but I still can't get any item apart from shipping to appear in the P and L report.

Would be grateful for any help

Re: profit and loss report - cogs missing - setup error?

Just to clarify:

The P and L report is not showing any stock purchased, although it is showing service items (delivery) from the same invoices.  The COA is as installed and nothing else has been modified.

I am clearly missing something pretty simple, I would have thought

Re: profit and loss report - cogs missing - setup error?

The COGS for inventory items is first activaded on deliveries.
