I'm a long time FA user and I really like the product.  I personally think it needs a major face lift (very small font/footprint) and some serious modules to keep it current, but it's a great product and can do lots of things your average QB or Xero software can NOT do.  But it really needs an "employees" tab and basic stuff like that.  Which brings me to the HRM module.

The HRM module.  Where do I begin?  Hmm. I don't mean to sound ungrateful.  I'm sure a lot of work went into this module.  But it simply doesn't work properly.  I've tried it on several platforms, and I've used several code bases recommended, but it just doesn't work properly.  FA probably needs to set up a "beta Extensions" test repository where stuff like HRMs can be uploaded, explored, fixed, changed, tested, etc.  Once it passes the test, then the governors could agree it's ready.  Just about every other module I've tried works, and works pretty well.  The developers are to be commended for volunteering their time and resources for those contributions.  But something like the HRM module, while perhaps good on some level, really doesn't belong in the repository.  It weakens the FA product (which I find to be generally a really good product).  Again, I don't mean to sound ungrateful.  And yes, I understand this is "open source" code.  Go back and look at all the comments.  There are a "ton" of comments about this module not working.  And to tell someone "oh, you need to download it from here" or "this has been fixed" or "you didn't install it correctly" is just preposterous.  There is absolutely no way this module is ready for prime time and to list it with other 'real' extension is misleading at best.    Please take this in the spirit it is intended.  Not to dump on any developer or group of developers who I'm sure are making a living doing something besides FA. Thanks.

Installed the latest version of HRM.  It can not be accessed.  https://imgflip.com/i/76ylq9

:-)  Yes, I've used it.  I've installed it.  That specific module from Notrinos.  No joy.  It fails to add employees in the HRM module, and once I actually put employees "manually" in the db, the module can not delete them.  Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  Thx.

Note:  This issue is not restricted to running it locally (I have an instance running) or running it remotely on a web server.  I'm not sure if it occurs in Windows and I don't care.  I don't use Windows OS.  Ever.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Deleting a customer in what module?  HRM?  I can't get that to delete an employee either.  But that's ok, it won't let me add an employee either. LOL.

The HRM module is a much needed extension that will help elevate FA.  Thanks for everyone's hard work on this much needed module.

From reading the forum, it has had numerous corrections/changes/modifications and it looks like they are spread out over several modules/programs/lines of code.  Have any of the change been consolidated in "one place" so we can just install it and have it work?  Thank you in advance.


I'm getting errors trying to write to the database so I'm unable to update the employees in the HRM module. Any help would be appreciated.

mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:100508 Library:100236 in file: /home/myweb/public_html/acctg2/includes/db/connect_db_mysqli.inc at line 33
/home/myweb/public_html/acctg2/includes/db/connect_db_mysqli.inc:33:    mysqli_connect('localhost','myweb_fron201','36(b1m2S!p','','3306')
/home/myweb/public_html/acctg2/includes/session.inc:579:    set_global_connection()
/home/myweb/public_html/acctg2/modules/FrontHrm/manage/employee.php:16:    include_once('/home/myweb/public_html/acctg2/includes/session.inc')

trigger_error('DATABASE ERROR : Could not write employee data
error code : 1366
error message : Incorrect integer value: '' for column `myweb_fron201`.`0_employee`.`emp_id` at row 1

I've done some research on this issue in the FrontAccounting forum.  I noticed that this error code in relation to NOT being able to update a database has been in existence since 2008.