When I select Sales Order Inquiry, I would like the most recent orders on top just like the Work Order Inquiry returns newest Work Orders on top. When I watch the sql query for the Work Order Inquiry, I get an idea how it works with the "ORDER BY workorder.id DESC" portion of the statement, but after going through the included files for the Sales Order Inquiry, I cannot seem to find the correct area to sort my Sales Orders.

  Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

Thank you @joe and @rafat

@rafat: I was not having a problem when I changed the Company's Active fiscal year to previous (2019). I was worried that if I change the Active fiscal year to previous in order to post any activity from 2019, that someone else here may enter a new sale, etc which really belongs to the current (2020) fiscal year.

This seems all academic now, though. I know better to log out/log in after making changes in the Access Role (and thought I did), but yesterday I could not post activity as previous fiscal year while Company was set to current fiscal year.

But after reading your posts, I tried again today and I can post in previous, open, fiscal years. Thank you. Sorry for my "noise" post.


Thanks @apmuthu. I wasn't sure if there was a better way to handle this.

Is it possible to post transactions into the previous fiscal year if it has not been closed?

  Every month, we don't have have all fees known to us until the next month, but they need to be recorded in the previous month. Is there a way to allow a user to post in the previous fiscal year without putting the company back into the previous fiscal year? With multiple users, a new sales transaction may get posted in the previous year if someone else placed the company into the previous year.

  In Access Setup, I do have "Allow entry on non closed Fiscal years" checked which doesn't seem to help my issue.

Try this one:



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

If I go into the workorders table and rename all existing work orders to eliminate the last two digits (12), then my new Transaction Reference is used correctly.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for the reply, apmuthu, but this does not seem to work. I tried your suggestion before starting this post and it did not work.

While I don't understand all of the code for obtaining the next number, I find this after I start a new work order when I have the Transaction References set to 3 for prefix followed by {YY}{01}{MM}:

SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(wo_ref, 4,LENGTH(wo_ref)-5) AS UNSIGNED)) FROM `workorders` tbl
                    LEFT JOIN voided v ON tbl.`id`=v.id AND v.type='26' WHERE ISNULL(v.id) AND `wo_ref` REGEXP '^319[0-9]*12$'

  It looks like it is looking in the workorders table to extract the next number and the resulting number is 3198612

  When I change the Transaction Reference to 3 {YY}{01}, I get this:

SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(wo_ref, 4,LENGTH(wo_ref)-3) AS UNSIGNED)) FROM `workorders` tbl
                    LEFT JOIN voided v ON tbl.`id`=v.id AND v.type='26' WHERE ISNULL(v.id) AND `wo_ref` REGEXP '^319[0-9]*$'

  The result is 3191287. I was hoping to get 31987.

Thank you @apmuthu

In case someone else runs into the issue of becoming logged out without requesting it, I edited my php.ini file and changed session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440 to a higher value that works better in our environment. I found this line at approximately 3/4 the way down from the beginning. Hope this helps.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

I started using FrontAccounting with a Work Order Transaction Reference to add the month to the end {MM}. The work order number would auto increment in December similar to 00112, 00212, 00312.

  I have since thought I did not need the Month indicated in the work order number so I changed the Trans Ref to just {001}. When I create a new work order, the number is now 12004, 12005, 12006, etc...

  I am using a prefix that I wish to not change. I can change the prefix (create a new reference) and the new format is followed after the new prefix. Is there a way to reset the transaction reference and still keep the prefix?


What is best practice to perform physical inventory update to QOH? We usually like to count all stock once a year, so we know total count is accurate.

I am running FA 2.4.7 and PHP 7.2 and was having an issue when selecting any graphics on the reports and attempting to view all data on the Dashboard. I was getting an error: Call to undefined function imagecreatetruecolor().

  In my case, it turned out that I needed to enable GD in my PHP setup. That took care of my graphic selection issues in FrontAccounting.

  Maybe this was noted somewhere in the docs, but I couldn't find it.

I think I understand Retail/Wholesale pricing: Right now my items all have a Retail price setup in Sales Pricing as the majority of my customers are retail-type. So if I have the Base for auto price calculations set to Retail, then Sales Types will be working off of the Retail Sales Price set for the item.

  The only way I can get cost plus to work is to remove all Sales Pricing for the items. Then, when I place a percentage in the Add Price from Std Cost under Company, I get the desired cost-plus in new sales order screen.

  But I need both Retail and cost plus. The retail needs to stay somewhat stable and I will adjust this periodically when cost rise enough to warrant it. I believe my majority retail customers expect this. The selling margin would then change as the cost moves around due to a fixed retail price.

  I also have a few customers that will purchase these same items, but we agree to sell these to them at a percentage above cost. This price can fluctuate frequently as the cost changes and these customers realize this. I don't want to maintain the cost-plus selling price separately. If I change the cost, or if the cost changes due to manufacturing and averages, I want the next order placed with a cost-plus customer to reflect the updated cost-plus price.

  I have tried using no base pricing, but did not seem to help. Is there a way to have both an established static retail price set in Sales Pricing for an item and also have access to a dynamically set cost-plus price??



That's what I will probably end up using, but Retail / Wholesale seems to be based only on Sales Pricing, not on Standard Costs where I can add a percentage to costs to obtain a cost-plus selling price.

I don't seem to find a way to create a sales type based on cost and we have some customers that are on a cost-plus program. Is this possible in FA.2.4.7?

I'm sure I am missing something, but this is a simplified version of what I think is going to happen:

  I reconcile the last statement on the current system except the last check written is not on that bank statement. My bank account had $200 balance per that statement which is now reconciled. Since the last check for $50 is in my system, my account now has a balance of $150.00. If I start using FrontAccounting with an opening balance of $150.00 (per the final balance sheet report), my next bank statement will have a starting balance of $200 with a $50 check to reconcile thereby reducing the balance to $150.00. But my bank balance is already at $150.00 with no $50 check.

  If the above is accurate, should I just reconcile my first statement by entering $150.00 for the starting balance (even though the bank statement indicates $200 starting balance) and $150.00 for the ending balance? Again, simplified version.

I must need to think about this more.

   One of my main bank statements runs from the 16th of last month to the 15th of the this month. If I write a $50 check on the 10th of this month, it probably won't make it on the statement closing on the 15th of this, but that check will be posted to my bank account's register, reducing the balance by $50. My current balance sheet reflects the $50 out. If I take my balance sheet amounts and use those for the opening balances in FA, my next bank statement will have a $50 check that won't be shown in FA's bank statement account. I'm missing something (again).

I have read this Forum Post and I'm still trying to figure out how this is supposed to work: If moving to Front Accounting from another system and enter end-of-period open balances in FA, how do I reconcile the bank transactions that occurred the previous month, but was not reconciled in the previous system.

  Do I just disregard these past/unreconciled transactions for the first time only? Do I fudge the start balance to omit these transactions?


Great idea. I'll have to keep that tip in mind. The way I attempted to check was to turn on FA's logging to screen and looked for the update lines - I thought I may have missed one or more the way I did it.

Thanks for the confirmation. No - I'm only testing, but I wanted to make sure of the changes made in the database. It was easier for me to change all the item's adjustment_account column value via phpmyadmin instead of pulling up each item in FA and making the changes. At first I wasn't sure if another table was involved with relative info.

It also appears that when changing an items Item Adjustment Account in Maintenance-> Items, that only stock_master table is updated with the account number and not any other table. Is this observation accurate?

Ahh, thanks. I see Item Categories also holds this info, too. Thank you.

I just added a new GL account for Inventory Adjustments. I then went into Setup -> System and General GL Setup and changed Items Defaults, Inventory Adjustments Account to my new account. I logout, login again and go to Items and Inventory, Item Adjustments Note and make a change. But the change is still recorded to the default account: Purchase price Variance.

  Why did my change not affect an inventory adjustment reporting?


I didn't catch the negative amount. Sorry.

Thanks Notrinos. I tried other US COA, but none seem any closer to what I am currently using.