(10 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, its not a big problem. Just in current system, you have to create a Item named "charges" or "service" then select it in invoice.
Whereby I don't want to create any item, in the invoice I can select the GL Account directly like the supplier invoice. Because In my scenario, we don't need any item.

I think there is still stock control in item even you choose the "Charges" or "service". When you go to Item > Transactions, you can see the On Hand is -number if you have done any transaction using it. Correct me if im wrong.


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Similar like Supplier Invoice, I can choose the GL Account directly instead of Customer Invoice must link to Item, then item link to GL Account. This is for those sales without inventory control. Isn't this common?


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe, how about the customer invoice that link with GL code instead of stocks?


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, we need this. Most of the accounting software has DN/CN for both customer and supplier.

Also, the sales invoice should have 2 type, which is link to item code or link to GL code directly, indicate whether has stock control or not. I cant find the second option in FA. But for supplier invoice there is. Hope you can make this too.


(10 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have tried input negative value in credit note. It doesn't work. How come got credit note but no debit note?

Hi, I got few questions here.

1. I noticed there are supplier invoice which can link to GL code. But there is no Sales invoice which can select GL code instead of item.
2. Where is the customer debit note?

Hi, I have the same issue. I change from Cash to due within 14 days. Then, whenever i generate recurring invoice. It will create customer payments too. Also, can turn off the auto DN too?

Got it. Remove sales pricing in item then it will follow template pricing.

I have 2 sales group with different template invoice but the item code is same with different price. Lets say A is 100, B is 200 and the item price I set in inventory is 50. When I generate recurring invoice, template A and B will create item at price 50. It is not follow the price I set in the template invoice.

How can I make it follow the price in template instead of sales pricing in inventory?

I have a scenario need to generate recurring invoice monthly. It is for property maintenance fee. But it is every customer charge at different amount for the same invoice item because of different unit size. Let's say 1000 customer then i will have 1000 different invoice templates under 1 batch (sales group). Which is difficult for admin to setup and maintain. Any other workaround to achieve this? Thanks.

got it work after empty comments table.

C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\includes\db\cust_trans_db.inc:213:     display_backtrace()
C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\includes\sales_db.inc:233:     get_customer_trans('4','13')
C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\includes\cart_class.inc:220:     read_sales_trans('13',(Array[1]),(Cart Object))
C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\includes\cart_class.inc:308:     (Cart Object)->read('13','4','1')
C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\create_recurrent_invoices.php:59:     (Cart Object)->write('1')
C:\xampp53670\htdocs\frontaccounting\sales\create_recurrent_invoices.php:125:     create_recurrent_invoices('4','4','1','2','02-08-2018','01-07-2018','02-07-2018','Recurrent Invoice covers period 01-08-2018 - 31-08-2018.')
DATABASE ERROR : duplicate debtor transactions found for given params
sql that failed was : SELECT trans.*,ov_amount+ov_gst+ov_freight+ov_freight_tax+ov_discount AS Total,cust.name AS DebtorName, cust.address, cust.curr_code, cust.tax_id, trans.prep_amount>0 as prepaid,com.memo_, shippers.shipper_name, sales_types.sales_type, sales_types.tax_included, branch.*, cust.discount, tax_groups.name AS tax_group_name, tax_groups.id AS tax_group_id FROM debtor_trans trans LEFT JOIN comments com ON trans.type=com.type AND trans.trans_no=com.id LEFT JOIN shippers ON shippers.shipper_id=trans.ship_via, debtors_master cust, sales_types, cust_branch branch, tax_groups WHERE trans.trans_no='4' AND trans.type='13' AND trans.debtor_no=cust.debtor_no AND sales_types.id = trans.tpe AND branch.branch_code = trans.branch_code AND branch.tax_group_id = tax_groups.id

No luck to get it work. debtor_trans table is empty. i wondering why duplicate debtor transactions found.

Debug mode database warning:
error code : 1054
error message : Unknown column '0_loc_stock.reorder_level' in 'where clause'
sql that failed was : select stock_master.description, SUM(IF(stock_moves.stock_id IS NULL,0,stock_moves.qty)) AS QtyOnHand ,loc_stock.reorder_level FROM (stock_master, stock_category,loc_stock) LEFT JOIN stock_moves ON (stock_master.stock_id=stock_moves.stock_id) WHERE stock_master.category_id=stock_category.category_id AND stock_master.stock_id=loc_stock.stock_id AND (stock_master.mb_flag='B' OR stock_master.mb_flag='M') AND 0_loc_stock.reorder_level!=0 GROUP BY stock_master.category_id, stock_category.description, stock_master.stock_id, stock_master.description ORDER BY QtyOnHand DESC

I follow the wiki guide but I cant get it work. Today date is 24, i put day=24 and month=1. But in Create and Print Recurrent Invoices didn't show anything. Can provide more example parameters? It doesn't need to use cron right? Some button will be show in Create and Print Recurrent Invoices page? I need a quick test. Please advise.


(8 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Hi apmuthu, why i cant find the dashboard after install the theme? How do i enable it?

I notice FA 2.4.4 dont have dashboard and reminder module. Correct?


Yes. I was asking for FA user and company instance. Because I notice it is currently single tenancy design. I'm wondering is there any plan to enhance to multi tenancy design? So that I don't have to create many database for companies.


Hi, just some idea here. I suggest to change the design for account chart, group & class to tree structure for easier creation and understand. I have seen many accounting software with tree structure of design for account chart. If there are mod available please let me know. Thanks.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Noted. Thanks.

Hi, I have created 2 company in different database. How can I create a user A who can only access company A and user B to access company B? Thanks.

How do I create interest advice or late payment interest from the outstanding of the customer account balance automatically every month? Thanks.