(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Ok this seems to work. Thank you for your help.


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Thank you Braath Waate,

If I understand this correct, I should edit the file:

find this line:


so the line looks like this:
define('SQL_MODE', '');

Is this correct?


(4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

When I try to register suppliers invoice, I am getting this error:

Cannot add journal entry error code : 1292

error message : Incorrect date value: '' for column 'event_date' at row 1
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 1_journal( `type`,`trans_no`, `amount`, `currency`, `rate`, `reference`, `source_ref`, `tran_date`, `event_date`, `doc_date`) VALUES('0','2764','480','EUR','1','3661','','2019-12-01','','')

FA 2.4.7
php 7.2.25

How can I fix this?


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

The problem is solved now. Thank you all for contributing.
It turned out that our hosting company updated the system, and some language files were no longer installed


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

I have not solved the problem until now.
When I go to Install/Update languages (admin/inst_lang.php) there is currently only one language (english) shown.

If I tick "Display also languages not supported by server locales" 40 languages are shown. All of them (besides english) are showing "Supported" = no.

So I can not select any of the languages on the list. Manual add of language is also not possible.

Any ideas??


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

yes da_DK and iso-8859 is supported


$installed_languages = array (
  0 =>
  array (
    'name' => 'English (US)',
    'package' => 'en_US',
    'code' => 'en_US',
    'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
    'version' => '2.4.1-3',
    'path' => 'lang/en_US',

$dflt_lang = 'en_US';


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

I have tried again, this time with encoding iso-8859-1

When I try to add the new language, I am getting this error:

Illegal offset type in file: /home/d/e/ftp_xxxxxxxxxxx/frontaccounting/admin/inst_lang.php at line 139
/home/d/e/ftp_xxxxxxxxxxxx/frontaccounting/admin/inst_lang.php:269:    check_data()

Any ideas?


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

Thank you very much for the reply. Can you please tell me how to implement the change?

I have tried to add a new language from FrontAccounting (/admin/inst_lang.php)

I am using the following parameters:
  Language Code = da_DK
  Language Name = Danish
  Encoding = da_DK (have checked with hosting provider)
  Right to left = no
  Default language = no
  Language file (po) = da_DK-2.4.1-2.po (the one you have send me)
  Language file (mo) = da_DK-2.4.1-2.mo (the one you have send me)

Then I click on "Update" but nothing happens


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

I am using 2.4.7 with PHP 7.2.25 (also tried using PHP 7.1.33). All of a sudden, the default language (Danish) has disappeared. I can not add the language again.

System diagnostic says: "Missing system locale: da_DK.iso-8859-1".

Where can I find this file?

Thank you again. It seems to work!!! It seems, that the missing part was ticking on "Include VAT" under Journal Entry.
Thank you - you've made my day.

@rafat: Thank you again. I have downloaded the inquiry and the report from Braath Waate's post of 07-02-2019 04:31:52.
I have run report for the current month. Then I have made a new manuel journal entry in the same month. I then ran the report again and compared. The report shows exactly the same, so my conclusion must be, that it does not count manual Journal Entries! Unfortunately!!

I can see, that the detailed report is only including customer invoices, customer creditnotes and supplier invoices. No Journal Entries.

@rafat. Thank you very much. I have been reading all posts in the discussion. The discussion is covering multiple issues. Can you please point me in the right direction? Some of the suggested changes are blank name fix for rep709.php. The page, that is showing the wrong VAT is tax_inquiry.php - but I can't find any changes for this?

I have a problem with Tax Inquiry (tax_inquiry.php). Invoices from suppliers with automatic tax set to (2150) is calculated correct. Manuel entries, that I have made using "Journal Entry" under "Banking & General Ledger" is NOT calculated even though I have manually entered a specific line for 2150 for tax.  How can I fix this?
We need some way of making manuel entries as not everything is itemnumbers from known suppliers. If we buy something of low value (f.ex. screws) from a supplier that we are not normally using, we will use a manuel Journal Entry. But then the VAT/Tax is calculated wrong. I was hoping that upgrade to 2.4.6 would fix this, but unfortunately this is the same.

It is a huge problem for us, as we have no way of showing correct VAT amount.
I have tried using a different account code (2151), but it changes nothing on the Tax Inquiry. Your help will be highly appriciated.

Thank you. Looking back at my notes I can see, that an upgrade was made from 2.3.25 to 2.3.26 and then to 2.42.
When I compare the fields in '0_chart_master' before and after they are identical:
account_code varchar(15)
account_code2 varchar (15)
account_name varchar(60)
account_type varchar(10)
inactive tinyint(1)

Does this indicate that everything is ok?

I didn't change Charts of Account since version 2.3.something.
I would guess I would loose historical data if I just start on a new from upload?
Did I miss a step during the upgrade?

I have the same problem; Budget entries doesn't save. PHP-version: 7.1.15, FA-version: 2.4.4, MySQL: 5.6.29.
I can see that '0_budget_trans' contains only 12 fields and not the field 'memo_'.
Should I just add the field?
When I upgraded to 2.4 recently, I made a fresh install as recommended. Did I miss something??

It seems that reverting back to PHP 7.1 solved the problems. Thank you very much!

Thank you. I will try to compare file by file, but CHANGELOG.txt shows that last edit was in November 2017 and I did the fresh install in February 2018.

FTP/PHP version 7.2.3
MySQL 5.6.29
Database version 2.4.1

I am discovering some strange behaviour with 2.4.3. If I am registrating a supplier invoice, everything works fine. Then, when I want to type in the next supplier invoice, I can't select another supplier, and the rest of the fields on the screen is gone. If I then close down and restart my computer, it all works fine again, but for 1 registration only. Just logging out and in again won't help. Even closing down the browser doesn't help. Restart does it - but this is quite annoying. I have tried with Internet Explorer and with Chrome, but the error is the same.