(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

joe wrote:

Yes, why not. Just like the Inventory Items Movements inquiry, right?
But you will have to wait until release 2.2 for this I guess. Maybe it could be in 2.1.4 if this would be released before.


Greetings, Joe.

Thanks for your prompt reply. Glad to hear that. smile

The customer balance rpt breakdown the data for invoice, outstanding amount & payment received from the customer and it's based on customer by customer.

As for the Item Balance rpt that I'm thinking of, it breakdown base on item instead of by customer and there will be no customer info in the item sales balance report. it show the invoice transaction, outstanding amount & payment received for the item.

The customer balance rpt was breakdown by customer but hopefully can have a new item sales balance report which can breakdown by the item name

I'm trying to make the report but I can't do it as I'm still new in php & Mysql and the design of "debtor_trans" & "debtor_trans_details" is difficult for me to play around with them. sad

Really appreciate if you can make this report.



(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi, Joe.

Is it possible to have an Item Balance report?(just like the Customer Balance report) smile

Hi, tom & joe.

Thanks for the info.



I'm just want to confirm how to implement this? For example, I want to separate the Item 1 & 2 for the "Account Receivables Report".

A) Invoice #: 1001
B) Item included in invoice 1001:
Item 1) Hardware  $500.00
Item 2) Furniture  $350.00

Total amount: $850.00

On "Customer Balances" Report, it will show $850.00 as the outstanding balance for this invoice.

After the payment being made. The customer balance report is 0, but how do I know the $500 goes for Hardware and $350 goes for Furniture as Receipt(payment from customer) in the customer balances is $850(total amount of invoice).

Thanks in advance!


(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi, Joe.

Tanks for the info. I will give it a try.

Really appreciate your help.

God bless you!


(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

or this is the file?



(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi, Joe.

Is this is the link you referred to?

I have problem to view the report, nothing appears after clicked the link. Not sure whether is because of my ISP connection issue or not.


I tried to install FA but getting following error.

Error: SQL script execution failed in line 81: Can't create table 'frontaccount.0_bank_trans' (errno: 121)

May I know what's the problem? I'm running Xampp(v 1.7.1) for Windows. The weird thing is, sometime it's no problem for me to install FA but sometime have this error.

Any solution to for this issue?



(10 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi, Joe.

Thanks for the prompt reply. Have a nice holiday!



(10 replies, posted in Reporting)


Is there any way to print out the reports as below? or do FA have the following report pattern?

For example,

[Item A]
* Number of the QTY that ordered by customers
* Amount/payment that we have received for the item A



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi, Joe.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Thanks again & have a nice day!


(2 replies, posted in Setup)


First of all, thanks for develop this wonderful program. Okay, now back to the problem that I've encountered.

I setup the program but when tried to create the invoice, there is an error message appears. "Cannot retrieve currency rate from ECB page. Please set the rate manually." My currency is MYR(Malaysia) and I don't want the system have the ECB referred back to ECB website. How to get rid of this? How to setup the system so that only currency MYR to be use in this FA?

Really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!
