(3 replies, posted in Translations)

Hi Alejandro,

I had the same problem than you... and it made me crazy.

The problem is the cache of the explorer or the session of the web server, I think the session makes more sense.

I found that when accidentally I used Firefox instead of MS Explorer... when I changed to ffox everything went fine till I made more changes on the languages files, then I went back to IE and again.

If you restart the webserver it has the same effect.

I hope this helps.


Thank you for your fast response Joe.

This is a great software and you are doing an incredible job.

Just in purusuit of perfection I want to leave you one suggestion about the chart of accounts that might help.

In the select box the accounts are grouped by the name of the group only, I think it would be useful if it shows also the upper subgroups and the class.

Not seeing the subgroups nor the class is a problem when you have accounts with the same name, grouped separately becose you can´t difference them, and when you have groups with the same name in different classes in the select box they appear like one only with all the accounts together although they are different groups.

In the GL Account Groups CRUD would be great also if you show the id of the subgroup (and the hierachy) in the select box, becose they might be (they are in my case) groups with the same name.

It would be great also showing all the levels on the chart of accounts report.

Thank you again.



I'm starting to use frontaccounting and something came to my mind: if I change my chart of accounts after one or two fiscal years closed, what happens with those  previous closed balances and fiscal years?

Will they change or the changes are only for the open/new fiscal year or balances? I might be needing to delete an account...

Why I'm asking? I want to start loading frontaccounting with my last fiscal year, but by the way I want to make some changes on my accounts...

Thank you!!



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, I saw them and everything is working now.



Hello Joe,

Thank you very much for your help!

Yes, I could have uploaded the file by FTP but I should have installed it first with frontaccounting in order to use it.

  Anyways I have it working perfectly fine now, you have done a very good job with this software, it's great.




(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Ok... I found the problem.

See on Report Bug Forum and you will see what's happening.

Succinctly you should use the PO file instead the MO, and after you upload it you should rename the extension to PO (becose Frontaccount changes it to MO).


Hello people/Joe,

I'm here again... I think you will see me arround for a while. I don't know if this is the place to ask, but I'd like to offer my help collaborating on this project, if anyone knows please tell me how can I join the team.

Ok, here is what I found:

1) When you try to use another language the system asks you for the MO file. Looking on the gettext.php I found that actually it uses the PO file, not the MO. So I tryed to upload the PO file, but here comes the next bug.

2) When you try to upload a PO file Frontaccount changes the name to .MO, it is still a PO file but with other name and in that way it doesn't work.

How did I make it work? first I uploaded the PO file (Frontaccount renamed it from .PO to .MO) then I went to the filesystem and changed the extension from .MO to .PO and EUREKA!! everything work like charm!!!

Thank you very much Joe for your help, and I hope this could help somebody else to install new languages.

See you,



(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you again Joe.

I've just downloaded all the new files and installed... but I can't make the translation work...

I'm diving now the source to see if I can find anything...

See you,



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi everybody,

Most of the functions on the purchase module doesn't work becose of this bug.

I found that the problem is on class.mail.inc and purchasing_ui.inc, the problem is that it's missing the string "php" on the begining of the document.

Instead of "<?php" it says "<?", adding php solves the problem. I hope this could help.

See you,



(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)


I'm from a Spanish spoken country, and I don't have a very advanced accounting tecnical english (nither regular english, but I make my best).

It's not that I can't translate the meaning of the word, I don't know what does the Dimension module do.

Can anyone tell me how to use this module?

Thank you!



(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you Joe...

I'm using Apache 2.2.6 + Windows XP + MySQL 4.0.27 ... I'm going to try to install it on Linux to see if it work that way. What version of PHP and Apache you think is more suitable?

I found also a bug on class.mail.inc and purchasing_ui.inc, that bug doesn't allow to use the purchase module, the problem is that it's missing the string "php" on the begining of the document.

Instead of "<?php" it says "<?", adding php solves the problem. I hope this could help someone.

I like to ask you also if there is any documentation of how the translation module works (gettext.php or all the translation thing). I have no experience with .MO files and I don't know how it works.

Thank you again,



(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your help.

I already have that version of gettext, anyway I downloaded and installed it, but I can't make the translation work... I should be doing something wrong.

Could you please send me which are the steps to use the MO files?

Have you achieved the translation with those files succesfully?

If I can make it work I will translate the hole software to Spanish and I will send it as collaboration.

I really thank you for your help.



(9 replies, posted in Setup)


I'm trying to setup a new language (Spanish) but I can't make it work.

I have the Frontaccounting 1.12 installed and working fine (WinXP, PHP5, Apache 2.2) but when I upload/install the spanish language you have on your webpage (es_PA) it doesn't translate anything and the FrontAccount is still in English.

The es_PA.mo file is in place /lang/es_PA/LC_MESSAGES, and I've tryed to use the 'Display Setup' and 'User Setup' and logged in and out but it doesn't work.

Does anyone installed that MO file succesfully?

Thank you,
