Off the hat ...

Method 1:

1. make a separate FA install for each branch school.
2. Make each Student a Customer.
3. Make a consolidated school FA install where each branch school is a branch.
4. Each time import the Closing balances of each branch into the consolidated FA Install

Method 2:
1. make a separate FA install for each branch school.
2. Make each Student a Customer having unique account code (roll no) across all schools.
3. Make the Forms setup have unique prefixes for each school across all FA installs.
4. Make a consolidated school FA install
5. At the end of each accounting period, import all records for Customers (Students), Transactions (will have unique transaction numbers) into the consolidated FA
6. This will not bother about student being transferred at all and the student can retain account code (roll no)

The main FA index.php first includes the file includes/ that has a set of functions and some inline code. The first part of the inlince code in includes/ is at Lines 307-310:

if (!isset($path_to_root))
    $path_to_root = ".";

It is possible that this may have to be hardcoded in your specific case (possibly due to symlinking by the cPanel) to be:

if (!isset($path_to_root))
    $path_to_root = "/home/artisant/public_html/fademo1";

Note that there is no trailing slash.

Rough and ready method - when ok, submit to FA project:

Modify the Items & Inventory -> Inventory Reports -> Inventory Sales Reports to replace Customer with Supplier.
It is the Inventory Sales Report : REP_ID=304 => reporting/reports_main.php Lines 198-205 - copy over the stanza to be a new REP_ID=306 and edit it accordingly. The file reporting/rep304.php can be copied to a file called rep306.php (rep305.php exists) and edited to replace Customer with Supplier Name/IDs in labels and sqls.

The preferred way is to provide it as an extension.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

check file and folder owner and permissions and the validity of the .htaccess file - try removing / renaming it temporarily.

You can do a full install of the new version in a separate database and migrate the data - quite messy if the table structures have changed.

In your current state, take a backup of your database. Then:
You can simply login and proceed to Setup -> software upgrade and upgrade the database if needed.

Refer the Wiki for the upgrade path - you will need to manually make changes to the existing config.php to accommodate the new variables (after comparing with the new config.default.php) and make the version number 2.3.13 in it - FA Update Wiki Page

The subdomain is okay, but actual folder path needs to be set if not correctly determined by the program.


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Alternatively split the sales order into two parts - one for the delivered quantity and another for the undelivered part - cancelling the original sales order. Can have another wasted sales orders type of voucher collecting the undelivered parts. Take care to prevent splitting sales orders that have entries inadvertently omitted in the delivery order.....


(2 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Have you tried the wiki?

Bulk export / import can be done at the db table level if you know what you are doing.
1. Take an sql snapshot from phpmyadmin
2. Add an item in FA
3. Take another sql snapshot from phpmyadmin
4. Compare the 2 sql snapshots for diff table records
5. Map your inventory entries based on the diff table record set obtained above into a CSV file
6. Import teh CSV into the table(s)

config.default.php is only a template file and not used. Copy it over as config.php

It is best you use the given installer rather than merely populating the config.php as the file paths and extra installed_extensions / installed_languages files get created automatically.

Also try the latest edition - v2.3.13 Mercurial Build 3131 listed in the announcement forum post.

If so, is the ov_discount being stored as a negative value in the table? In related vein, will the discount percentages be stored in the negative as well while being entered positive in the form?

Lines 457-458 of sales/includes/db/

cust.credit_limit - Sum(IFNULL(IF(trans.type=11 OR trans.type=12 OR trans.type=2,
-1, 1) * (ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_freight + ov_freight_tax + ov_discount),0)) as cur_credit

The ov_discount field is being added - is that right - should it not be subtracted?


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Cancel Sales Invoice.
Edit Sales Order to match Delivery Order.
Make new Invoice.

Actually an option to make sales order from delivery order would be nice!

Since the first digit of the second column are all 0, omit it or start with 1.
Use most of the first column numbers (only with 1st col numbers alone) as account types - Assets, Liabilities, etc.
Use the second column (having only first and second columns of numbers only) as Account Groups mapped to the account types.
For others:
Use the cocatenation of the second and the third columns along with 000 as the Account codes.
For those with a fourth column of numbers, cocatenate the second, third and fourth columns as the Account Codes.

maybe create it as a Farhaj.sql and submit to FA as a 6/7 digit Account Code COA. What class of COA would this be most suitable for - Construction / Real Estate Company?


(8 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Backwards compatibility dictates the default switch setting - not "common-sense" to even many users. The config variables are listed with their functionality in the Wiki quite explicitly, but a note in the setting up wiki page will now possibly address this issue.

Refer the Service Item entry in the Wiki.

Setup an Itemof Type Service and then use it in billing clients. Service Item Type does not need any inventory stock and can be billed directly.


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Please attach the code to the forum post as it can be studied and placed in the wiki if not added to the code base. Many contributions may not reach the codebase at all and may find it into personal repos only.

Where have you extracted your files?

Your webroot appears to be /home/artisant/public_html

You seem to have some subdomain created for the FA install and not installed from there.

Try the url

Create a unit of measure as "6sachets" and price it for 6 sachets as well and sell 1 unit of 6 sachets!

Not serious. Joe's take is the right one!

Wikied it.

Mustn't you update the installed_extensions.php in the webroot and in the company/#/ folder as well? ... and enable it for the company as well?


(7 replies, posted in Translations)

recode reference


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Windows Attached Printer on CUPS

Push Windows Printer Drivers to CUPS

64 bit CUPS Driver for Win7 not yet


Printing from CUPS to Windows-Attached Printers

Please see what works in the above urls and let us know so we can update the wiki accordingly.

The default language is "C" listed to include the "untranslated strings" as is  from the code culled into the empty.po file. en_US is an example file to override entries in the empty.po.


(2 replies, posted in Translations)

Wikied it.

Since the forum does not use any WYSIWYG Editor (saves bandwidth though), try the free BBCode Editor for windows.

Thanks Joe for Changesets 3127/3131 addressing this problem. It however needs an entry in the empty.po file. Attempting to reconstruct the empty.po afresh yielded a file that is 341KB as against the current one in the fa repo that is 359KB. There are a lot of legacy entries with wrong filenames and line numbers in the repo one.

The shell script to generate the empty.po file I wrote is:

mkdir -p $WEBROOT
# Generate the main empty.po file
GTEXEC="xgettext  -d empty --language=PHP  --from-code=ISO-8859-1 \
                  -p $MAINDIR/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES "
# Backup the old main empty.po
# Generate main header as well
$GTEXEC -k_ -n *.php
# set the charset
sed -i 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=ISO-8859-1/g' $MAINDIR/$TPL.po
mv install ..
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*.php
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*.php
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*/*.php
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*.inc
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*.inc
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j */*/*/*.inc
mv ../install .
# Generate the install empty.po file
GTEXEC="xgettext  -d empty --language=PHP  --from-code=ISO-8859-1 \
                  -p $MAINDIR/install/lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES "
# Backup the old install empty.po
# Generate install header as well
$GTEXEC -k_ -n install/*.php
# set the charset
sed -i 's/charset=CHARSET/charset=ISO-8859-1/g' $MAINDIR/$TPL.po
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j install/*.inc
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/
$GTEXEC -k_ -n -j includes/

Please test on fresh install using later Mercurial Build version from this post and see if the problem occurs.