On the item maintenance & item categories pages:

Item categories are sorted only on category_id rather than on description. This is not critical, but as categories grow it becomes quite unwieldy.

When I bulk loaded item categories they were in alpha order, so the problem didn't appear until I added a new category, which should have appeared somewhere in the middle of the list, but the category_id was of course the next available number at the bottom of the list.

I haven't checked all the other places where category is used, but on the direct invoice page, items are CORRECTLY grouped within categories which are sorted by description.

aha. that explains it nicely. I was missing the fact that the discount % was informative only.

thanks again Joe
keep up the great work

I've been testing the prompt payment discount feature & have a few questions.

I have set up a test customer with a prompt payment discount percentage of 2.5%.

Where do I define what is regarded as a prompt payment? This will need to be 30 days.

I created a direct invoice for my test customer for ZAR 1000 plus 14 % VAT, and immediately after that receipted a payment of ZAR 1111.50 (ie 1000 less 2.5 % plus 14%). When I allocated this full amount to the invoice (I left the amount of discount field empty, which may be incorrect), FA reports that the invoice is settled, which I would expect.

But if I run a statement for the customer, it shows the ZAR 28.50 still outstanding, and if I look at allocating further amounts to the customer, I still see this amount as not having been settled.

If I fill in the discount amount field on receipt of payment, things seem to make a little more sense, but then the logic of predefining the prompt payment discount percent per customer seems to disappear, since I can simply record any discount to make things balance manually.

Can you help clarify this?

Thanks for your prompt response & helpful suggestions. That's probably the best way to go - I have already started down this track.

My questions referred to the writeup in the user manual (and comments in the forums) to post journals for take-on balances, but these clearly wouldn't tie up to the debtors journal or whatever underlies and ties into customer balances.


I've read through a variety of old posts about the best way to take on customer balances, but nothing jumped out at me as definitive or very clear.

One post by admin in 2007 ended by saying "We will later create a more detailed article on this item." Has this been done? Perhaps I missed it.

I understand the idea of posting take-on balances at the end of the last fiscal year, but am still confused about how to do this. Let me illustrate my question more clearly (in the hope of getting a clearer answer):

I'm just starting out running my accounts on FA. Let's say I have just one customer (CompanyX) who owes me $1000 at the end of December 2008. Before I open the 2009 fiscal year (assuming my fiscal year runs from January to December) I need to record this debt. So what do I do? If I post a journal with a debit of $1000 to accounts receivable, where is this linked to the customer CompanyX? No problem with the principle of counterbalancing the journal with a corresponding credit entry of $1000 to a new account called 'Take-on balances' or whatever. But I'm clearly missing the link that will tie this to CompanyX.

Any suggestions?

further to my above post:

in gl_trans, it looks like the type_no field ties up to the trans_no field in stock_moves

Many thanks. Can you perhaps clarify what the trans_no field means in stock_moves (and how it is derived)? I suspect that it links to gl_trans, but can't see the logic of the numbering.

Thanks Janusz.

I am happy to dive in manually for now - can you confirm that my understanding is correct?

To add stock I need to work with the following tables:
* stock_master
* loc_stock
* item_codes
* stock_category

to set pricing I only need to update
* prices

and to set quantity on hand I need to work with
* stock_moves
* gl_trans

The import_items module appears to only add new items to the stock_master table, but not the item_codes table. This means that the items are not available for invoices or pricing. This leaves the item lists incomplete, requiring some manual cleanup.

I am new to FA - I've just started exploring v2.1.1. Perhaps this module worked for earlier versions? On the module download page it does not indicate a version number like the other modules.

All that said, keep up the good work. This is a great system, and one I hope to use for my business...