Fixed both errors. The one in gl/inquiry/profit_loss.php and the one in inventory/manage/items.php.

Pushed to stable repo.


Will check on this today.


Yes, of course you are right. Sorry for the typo. Thanks for the correction.


This has now been fixed, but not in file /gl/gl_journal.php. It was better to fix it in /gl/includes/db/ in function write_journal_transaction.

You can download the fixed file here and replace it /gl/includes/db/

Thank you for pointing this our. There were no errors in the bank payment/deposit routines.


I will check this asap.


I have to ask @Itronics about this.


I will look into this. I agree that this could be better. To make it backward compatible, maybe we can just swap  the selector control for this and eliminate the allocate field if not chosen.

Will talk to Janusz about this.


I understand that you guys are very busy.

Anyhow, I am sure the fixes are ok and I am pushing the files to stable repo now.



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This is a dublicate of another topic.

Please go to this topic.



@seahawk and @kvvaradha

Hello again,

I have now fixed the Workbook.php1 and the files.

Please download them, rename Workbook.php1 to Workbook.php and replace on your test server. Tell me if all the deprecation errors have vanished. (They should).

If this is also ok, then we can commit the files to stable repo.


Regarding first error line 66 in frontaccounting.php: Creation of dynamic property front_accounting::$renderer is deprecated in file.

Please insert the following line 31 in frontaccounting.php:

var $renderer = null;

It should remove the 8.2 error, right? Please tell me.

Regarding second error line 267 in sales_order_entry.php. Please change the line to:

$cart->reference = get_post('ref');

Please tell me if it helps, thanks.

Regarding the third error, I need some time to fix the workbook.php file. This is not our own, so I have to fixi the file.
Will be back on this.


Yes, of course. Sorry.


Could recurring invoices be a candidate?

This has been pushed to stable repo. Thanks.


This bug was reported on Mantis as
0005724: Bug In Date Editing in Latest FA

I cannot reproduce this error. And this has been specified on the Mantis bug report.


Please set the $go_debug variable in config-php to 2 for trapping the errors. Thanks in advance.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

Well, I can see that this is a major improvement, so it has been implemented and pushed to the stable repo.

You can download /sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php and /sales/includes/db/ and replace on your server.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sorry Guys for the late response.


Yes I know, but you can use the 'Journal Inquiry' in 'Banking and General Ledger' for this. This is not optimal, but it works.

Changing this in 'Customer Transactions' will require more changes.



(4 replies, posted in Announcements)


This is a 2.4.17 release, which is a new feature release as well as a bugfix release.

A couple of php 8.2 problems has been fixed. This release should now be PHP 8 compatible. The following versions has been tested: 8.0.0, 8.0.7, 8.0.12, 8.1.6 and 8.2.0.

Please report any bugs/problems found via our Mantis Bugtracker at

Download instructions

In Sourceforge FrontAccounting (, select
Files -> FrontAccounting 2.4 ->2.4.17.

For Windows users select the zip file. For all other users select the tar.gz file.


FrontAccounting should NOT be used via unsecure http protocol. If you really need this - change SECURE_ONLY constant in /includes/ to false (comment in the file added). Unfortunately this option cannot be added in sysprefs/config.php because the settings are not available before session is started.


  • PHP 8.2 fix. Deprecated dynamic class member adds. Huge error.log.


  • Mark Inactive Customers in Reports (when no Filter).

  • Added Payment Link (Payment Service) for XUMM. A Dutch free Payment Service (see announcement forum).


  • Mark Inactive Suppliers in Reports (when no Filter).

  • Bug 5709: Opening Balance is calculated incorrectly in supplier balance. Fixed.

  • Bug Found in Supplier Invoice in Calculating Unit Tax


(7 replies, posted in Wish List)


You can select the Customer Transactions and then filter by Sales Invoices or whatever you want.
Now you can see the order nr, reference and invoice no. And you can press the corresponding numbers for further details.



You are right. This has been fixed and committed to stable repo. Thanks for reporting.

A fixed version kan be downloaded here and replaced on your server.



@Janusz reports back that these function was established for the unstable version and is intended to be used in the future.

So we will keep them.


Hello all.

There are missing items in your source.

I have

if ($_SESSION['PO']->trans_type == ST_SUPPINVOICE) {
    cash_accounts_list_row(_("Payment:"), 'cash_account', null, false, _('Delayed'));

So this should be      false, _('Delayed'));

I have never seen _false anywhere in the source. It should have cast an error. Also the function parameters are stopped after a , character after _false.


I will ask Itronics, if these functions are needed in the future.


This has been restored now. Fixed back to deliver_to in class. Commited to stable.

The reason this occurred was that the php 8.2 has deprecated dynamic member addings to classes, and I mistakenly took the wrong variable. Sorry for that and thanks for seeing this.
