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kvvaradha wrote:i guess it would be like this
For VAT Payment
Debit Credit
Bank Account XXXXXXX
For VAT Repayment
Debit Credit
Bank Account XXXXXXX
I hope it helps.
That's what I am doing but it seems to be wrong because FA is showing this amount in Tax Inquiry for the period.
I am in Ireland.
When I receive a VAT repayment from the Tax office, I put it in Front Accounting as a Journal entry. I Debit the bank account and Credit the VAT account.
It seems to be wrong because FA is showing up this amount in Tax Inquiry.
What is the correct way to put VAT Payment and Repayment to/from the Tax office into FA?
Thanks. I got it working with the instructions from Cambell.
Thank you for your answer.
My theme (elegant) has hardcoded the icons based on the offset of the module.
$imgs2 = array("folder.gif", "report.png", "page_edit.png", "money.png", "folder.gif");
I guess I'll have to modify the theme then.
Thanks again for your help.
I managed to make a simple extension. However I have a question.
How can I customize this icon?
It's probably related to the $icon parameter of the module constructor but I can't find any example.
Thanks. What I wanted to modify is part of the theme actually.
If I want to modify the regular menu instead, I guess the best would be to write an Extensions, right?
Can you recommand a good guide for writing an extension? I only find bits and pieces of information here and there.
I think the problem was because I used "Enter Supplier Invoice" instead of "Direct Purchase Invoice Entry". Everything seems to be fine now.
How can I modify the items in the shortcuts menus?
This is the menu I am talking about: … u.PNG?dl=0
Is that somehow part of the theme?
Is it possible that some transactions are not showing in the Tax Report because they are in a different currency than the default currency?
For example Supplier Invoice #6 and #11 are not showing.
EDIT: It doesn't seem to be related to currency. I created a dummy supplier with the default currency and the Non-EU tax group and it's not showing too.
EDIT2: I think it's because I used "Enter Supplier Invoice" instead of "Direct Purchase Invoice Entry".
apmuthu wrote:You do not have any gl_trans entries for account 2152.
Yes because that tax is 0%. There is no entries for 2150 too, but it is still showing in Tax Inquiry.
This is not about Trial Balance report. It's about Tax Inquiry.
I don't see your attachment.
I need the values to fill Ireland's Revenue form VAT3.
Even through I did not pay VAT on EU acquisitions, I need to know how much I spent on them.
Additionally I need to know how much I paid for services from outside the EU.
I'll PM you the backup.
I followed your instructions but now I lost "Non EU 0%". Only Irish VAT is showing. … 4.PNG?dl=0
My goal was to show the 3 of them there.
Thanks for your help but everything seems to be already correct. See screenshot below: … b.png?dl=0
I don't get what you mean. I attached each tax to it's tax group.
I have 3 Tax Types as well as 3 Tax Groups in my system.
When I go to Tax Inquiry, one of them is not showing up.
Do you have any idea why?
I'm adding a screenshot of my system below: … s.png?dl=0
1. Yes, the language specific option works.
2. Why is the name "C" and not "default"?
I created folder "/lang/C" and added the file in it.
class hooks_C extends hooks {
It works! Thanks.
apmuthu wrote:Copy the locale file to say lang/en_US/ and edit the first method's name:
class hooks_xx_XX extends hooks {
class hooks_en_US extends hooks {
Now check it out by choosing the specific language en_US as US English in FA.
My question was how to have it without choosing the specific language en_US as US English in FA.
How can we have it while choosing the Default "English" language?
apmuthu wrote:The default English language one is available at lang/new_language_template/ and will possibly be taken when no specific one a any chosen language is unavailable.
It does not work.
itronics wrote:This is because this change is applicable only in some countries, while in rest it is not. And can be implemented in country specific lang/XXXX/ file when needed.
How do you do that for the default (English) language? It doesn't have a folder.
I tried creating one and adding its path to but I doesn't pick it up.
It would be nice to have a setting to be able to select in which documents we would like to have it.
Thank you all for your answers and sorry for my late reply.
I understand that I can make the invoices with a word processor but I would prefer to have the PDF generated automatically. I am a software developer and I am ready to make the changes required myself.
What I would like is to generate a PDF for the Supplier Invoice. How can I achieve that?
Sorry I was not clear. I didn't mean to ask about auto-mailing. I was just asking about how to print a Supplier Invoice.
Thank you for your answer.
The problem is that I need to print and send this "self-billing" invoice to them. I didn't find a way to do that.
Do you know how to do that?
According to EU directives a company can generate invoices itself for its supplier in certain conditions. (link for Ireland).
Is there a way to generate Self-billing invoices in Front Accounting?
Kind Regards,
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