i think it is doable. But please remember that every transaction in invoice might affect different queries. So i think it's best to recreate the error and see the queries.
Sorry I haven't touch the fa database for a long time.
I suspect you have to correct the date in the gl_trans, supp_trans, and also correct the amount in the balance sheet table for the gl account and period affected.

Yes, it's about precision. The way how computer store floating point. See here for
http://www.leaseweblabs.com/2013/06/the … y-default/

and here

lesson learned from php.net link:
"So never trust floating number results to the last digit, and do not compare floating point numbers directly for equality."


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, basically you will need a webserver with PHP and MySQL support and database server (MySQL) installed for ARM CPU, oh and also openssl extension and internet connection.

If it's only used by two people, I guess it MIGHT BE fine. (sorry about the capitalizations, not sure about speed etc)

check this link for pre-requisit
and check this link for LAMP installation on RPi
or check this link for Lighttpd+PHP+MySQL server on RPi

IMO, interesting idea. You can also split the database server from the web server to improve performance.


(20 replies, posted in Translations)

Thank you for your link share. I have seen and tried it (translation for typo3), and I liked it.

This will make translation easier since it uses crowdsourcing for translation. I think it is a good idea to implement in FA for enhancement. I still don't know the difficulties, though. So let FA team makes the decision.

the current way FA is dealing with reference number is weird and doesn't work really well

How exactly is FA dealing with reference number? My guess is FA gets the next reference number when creating invoice form. hence we can't post invoice if somebody else already post the invoice using the same reference number.

I have two proposed solution (programmatically)

when processing/saving document,
1. FA check the reference number if it is already used or not.
2. if not, then commit to database. if already used, FA tells user that the reference number is already used and ask if he/she will change the reference number manually or let FA chooses the next reference number based on the database.
3. if user choose to change manually, then return to step 1, else FA set the next reference number automatically.

Or second:
- add checkbox in invoice/order/delivery form whether user want to create ref number manually or automatically. if user chooses automatically, the reference number input is disabled.
- add reference number information beside invoice/order/delivery number when succeeded so user can take a note for it.


(14 replies, posted in Reporting)

seahawk wrote:

Have same problem. It indicates that "You can only upload *.sql backup files"

from the source code (file admin/backups.php line 165), that error is shown if you didn't upload file with extension *.sql or *.sql.zip or *.sql.gz.

check if:
- your file is uploaded in server (can you see your file in folder /company/[your-company-number]/backup) ?
- file permission issue (is the uploaded file readable? folder writable?)
- character encoding issue (try to use simple characters for the filename)

hope this helps.


(14 replies, posted in Reporting)

i have tried manually create empty file and rename it into empty.sql.zip and empty.sql.gz.
FA (my version is 2.3.19) reads it normally and showed in backup list.

is renaming your file with *.sql.gz or *.sql.zip after gzip or zipping it solve your problem?

i think there is a module called requisitions that has been created. perhaps it meets your requirements?

to be honest, i haven't tried it, so i don't know if you can automatically create the purchase request from work order if there is lack of item quantity with that module or not.


(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hi saifmalik,
is it possible that you forget to add the dot before and after TB_PREF variable?

'SELECT * FORM ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details'


(13 replies, posted in Translations)

Me and yshaka have updated indonesian translation for version 2.3.19.  I have emailed it to contribution email.
It seems that my previous email attempts has failed or there is some problem with email traffic so it wasn't sent to contribution email.
So I hope the trouble is gone now.
In the mean time until the translation updated in fa repository, please feel free to contact me if anybody interested with the translation.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

from the error message, there is no table 0_bom in your database.
you can copy the query to create table 0_bom from en_US-new.sql script at about line 159.

table 0_bom is used in manufactured items.

Sorry, may be my answer is out of topic.

From your first post, the text string "Project-Id-Version: FrontA" only used in translation file (.mo and .po). Perhaps you can check if your system language is set up correctly first, or you can change the language into default english first and see if the same error result occurs.

(forgive me for my bad english)


(12 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

dvarsani, i ran your sql query in my test database and it ran without problem. may be something wrong with your table structure?

I have send to contribution email
update to my update for old Indonesian general digit COA version 2.3.0-2 by Rendy Satrya to be usable for FA release 2.3.19.

I also have send update old Indonesian 4 digit COA version. So, both of indonesian COA version can be used for FA release 2.3.19.

Best Regards.


(13 replies, posted in Translations)

Hi again, i have emailed update translation (id_ID) to contribution email.
Old translation is too old and not properly translated.

Some strings are translated into original because they will make confusion if I translate them into indonesian.
Also some strings in admin area are not translated, because they are too technical to translate.

Please contact me if there are errors in the translation (I'm not an accountant, so may be I made incorrect translations).

Hope this will be helpful.


(13 replies, posted in Translations)

hehe, sorry.
Last time i was just be lazy to test myself, because there are lot of lines to translate and test.
Ok. I will fix my translation first, test it, and send the email later. I hope it will be completed by tomorrow.

Thanks for your help.


(3 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I think for bank account should be in Debit, and Equity account on the Credit.
You can ask your accountant for more accurate answer.


(13 replies, posted in Translations)

@apmuthu, I have seen your githup repo. It seems that yours is the same with current fa repo.

@joe, yes, I will.
I have one question about translation before I send to the contribution email. If I change the quick access letter, will it follow the new access letter automatically?
for example:


called with Alt+S into


called with Alt+P.


(13 replies, posted in Translations)

hmm, if i may know, where is the translation? I have downloaded id_ID language from fa repo, but the file information I get is

"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-08 15:59+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-03 15:41+0700\n"

which is very old compared to last post by kusuma on December 14, 2012.

Is it the same translation with kusuma's translation or not?
I have create my own version of translation for 2.3.19, though. But I think it's better to compare the translations to get more accurate translation.

Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Translations)


I have manually translate language to Indonesian. Would you mind to check it? I have no accounting background since I'm only a mere newbie programmer.

If you don't mind, please pm me so I can email you my po and mo files. After that we can submit it to FA.

ah, forgive me.. i just read your notification in swedish language translation post. i'll upload asap.

.... done.

I have update old Indonesian general digit COA version 2.3.0-2 by Rendy Satrya to be usable for FA release 2.3.19.

update including:
-- structure correction
-- assign default bank account
-- change on insert fiscal year table with current installation year. (please fix if didn't meet frontaccounting standards, because I use concat(year(now(),'-01-01')) for the begin date and like so with end date.)
-- assign tax for GST & VAT (PPN in indonesia)

I hope it will be useful for everyone needs it.

Best Regards.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

i've updated dynamic theme so it can follow configuration to hide inaccessible item if set to 1.

on line 145 file renderer.php change :

echo "<li><a href='#'></a>$img_src {$lnk[0]}</li>\n";


if (!$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->hide_inaccessible_menu_items()) echo "<li><a href='#'></a>$img_src {$lnk[0]}</li>\n";

Hope this helps.
Not sure if other theme needs it too.


(17 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

yes, I will be happy if we can go with PDO. I hope PDO will be implemented in next release, or next big release.

for now, my urgent need is to minimize deprecated function so we can safely follow the mysql update.

hope this helps. (I have no experience applying tax system)

it seems like the system calculates the tax value from the item price.
3% from 86.20 is 2.59, and
13% from 86.20 is 11.21.
if we sum all price and taxes, then we get 100.

I guess the system calculate the price (86.20) by dividing total (100) with (100%+3%+16%)