Topic: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

I was using FA with no big problems.
Today I needed, for the first time ever, to invoice some services.
This is what I did:
I created a new item as a service.
I created a new customer with all his relevant data.

I then tried placing an order as usual, except the "goods" was a service.
Naturally that did not involve inventory.

I issued a delivery note (although I do not understand the need since it's a service).
When printing the delivery not, to my surprise, instead of the delivery note number I got a text string.
"Project-Id-Version: FrontA"
I presume that the string was longer but it was cut due to the field constrains in printing.

I carried on and tried to print my invoice, hoping that this was just a glitch.

Same result.

The same text instead of the invoice number.

I tried with direct invoice with the same result.

I created a new customer again, a new item again and attempted again with both methods.

Same result.

I even installed a new clean FA (I'm using version 2.3.19) and recreated the whole thing.

Again that string instead of the number.

I'm simply stuck.

Any idea? Does anybody know what that might be?

Any help will be appeciated.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. besides this problem, I am an FA enthusiast.

Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

I was not able to reproduce this error. Anybody else having this problem?
As a standard, the reference number is printed and if you use direct invoice, then the delivery reference should be 'auto'.

If you can, try to give all the specific details to make research for unknown issues.
Thanks in advance.


Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

All I can think of, excluding a coding error, is that I made a backup and immediately after a restore.

It could be that in the process something went ape.

Would it help if I sent you the backup sql?

That way you'd be able to reproduce the error (I guess) and maybe find out why.

Let me know if you think this is a viable approach.

Thanks again,


Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Yes, please either use my user email or use the contribution email, that is on our Website, Contact Us page.


Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Dear Joe,
I sent the required files about 4 minutes ago.
I used contributions since I could not find a way to attach a document using the forum (my inexperience, I suppose).

Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Ok, I will ask Janusz to forward it to me.


Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

I saw your print-outs and they had strange reference numbers. With this backup, I could still not reproduce your errors by entering a service item and a new customer. When Printing your attached invoice and purchase order I could still not reproduce this error for both documents.

There must be some mistake in your code somewhere.

If you want to try the source, that I am using, you can download it from our HG Repository:


Press the 'Download Snapshot' link up right. After a while a zip file is created that you can download.

Try to make a new installation with this new zip file and restore your attached sql backup file on your earlier Company.
When I tested, I changed the prefix in the file, fl_ , to 0_ to make my Life a Little easier.

Hopefully it is working for you with this new installation.


Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

I will try your suggestions and report back as soon as it is done.
To be frank with you, I had tried already that route on my own but installing a clean 2.3.19 version.
Unpleasently the results were the same with errors.
I'll try with your and let you know.

Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Sorry, may be my answer is out of topic.

From your first post, the text string "Project-Id-Version: FrontA" only used in translation file (.mo and .po). Perhaps you can check if your system language is set up correctly first, or you can change the language into default english first and see if the same error result occurs.

(forgive me for my bad english)

Re: Error with invoice number when invoicing services.

Are you using FA on a Windows Server or a Linux Server?
Possible BOM characters in the language translation files might get into error - check line endings as well. (CRLF for Windows and LF for Linux).