Topic: Hardware requirements

Hello all,
Just wondering if I can get an answer on what  are the recommended hardware requirements for FrontAccounting.
I am thinking about buying a  Raspberry Pi which is a micro computer that has a 700mhz ARM CPU and 512mb of ram.
The system will only be used by two people at peak times, nothing else will be installed.

Please let me know if you guys think it will be enough power, or if it is not worth the trouble??


2 (edited by mfaa98 03/24/2014 05:06:17 am)

Re: Hardware requirements

Well, basically you will need a webserver with PHP and MySQL support and database server (MySQL) installed for ARM CPU, oh and also openssl extension and internet connection.

If it's only used by two people, I guess it MIGHT BE fine. (sorry about the capitalizations, not sure about speed etc)

check this link for pre-requisit
and check this link for LAMP installation on RPi
or check this link for Lighttpd+PHP+MySQL server on RPi

IMO, interesting idea. You can also split the database server from the web server to improve performance.