I'm not sure which tables to query to get all the transactions for an account in my FA chart of accounts.

Is there a place where I can find the database schema?

Does anyone know which tables I should be using to accomplish this?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi Braath:

Thanks for the help.

So another workaround is to make a dummy journal entry as the last transaction then try import transactions again.

This worked.

I made a $1 debit and credit journal entry to my Miscellaneous account and then the import worked.

Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi Braath:

Thanks for the reply.

select max(type_no) from gl_trans where type=0;
select max(trans_no) from journal where type=0;
SELECT counter, type, type_no, amount FROM gl_trans ORDER BY counter DESC LIMIT 1;

The first and second of these three queries return 2187.

The third query returns:
counter=28847, type=1, type_no=168 and amount=-75

You could instrument the code (add the line display_notification(...)) to try to determine why it is not  2187.   Instrument this call and in last_transno()

I am not entirely sure how to carry this out. I found the lines:

      add_journal(ST_JOURNAL, $curEntryId[ST_JOURNAL], ...
      ... last_transno() ...

but am not sure where to add:


Also I am not sure what

      Instrument this call

means? I am an accountant and not a programmer.

Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi Braath, apmuthu:

Thanks for your replies.


In 0_gl_trans there are several 0-169's but they represent the different components of a single balancing journal entry in 2009. In 0_journal there is only one 0-169 and it is the debit total amount of the same transaction. I don't see any duplicates. But it appears that the "import journal entries" module is trying to use this same 0-169 to add my imported entry.

The last trans_no used is 2187 in both 0_gl_trans and 0_journal.

"So when transactions are imported, the next transaction number to add is the last ST_JOURNAL transaction in the GL database plus one"

Any direction on how to go about updating this to the correct last transaction would be appreciated, if that is the problem.

Thank you.

Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi apmuthu:

I have run into a new problem.

After using the add on successfully last month I have a new problem cropping up.

When trying to import a general journal entry list of transactions, it says that the transactions are duplicates and that I cannot enter them.

When I turned on debugging I get the following message when doing a trial run  to import transactions:

trigger_error('DATABASE ERROR : cannot add journal entry
error code : 1062
error message : Duplicate entry '0-169' for key 'PRIMARY'
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 0_journal( `type`,`trans_no`, `amount`, `currency`, `rate`, `reference`, `source_ref`, `tran_date`, `event_date`, `doc_date`) VALUES('0','169','1239.23','CAD','1','169','','2017-11-01','','')

I checked type=0 and trans_no=169 and if I understand the mysql database correctly, this was a transaction way back in 2009. My trans_no's are over 2000 now.

Any help from you or anyone else with a safe solution to my problem would be appreciated.


Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hi apmuthu:

Thanks for responding.

I commented out the line as you said in import_transactions.php.

The import went through without any errors and checking the accounts afterward, all seemed OK.

It is curious to me that this function got triggered on the import since I have no customer, sales, purchase or accounts payable integrated accounts. All my accounts are straight general ledger accounts.

I have two separate Front Accounting instances on the same webserver. I upgraded both at about the same time and installed the import_transactions module together with the fixes on both instances. The first instance allowed me to import transactions without any problem. On the second instance I ran into the problem above which you kindly helped me fix. They are two separate but similar sets of books for two different businesses. Not sure why one gave me the problem and the other did not.

In any case, thank you.

Bill Dika


(154 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I am getting the following error when trying to import transactions:

"There are no customers, or there are no customers with branches. Please define customers and customer branches."

I am trying to import a general journal transaction. I have checked my account codes and they are all correct and all except one are for expenses. The one that isn't an expense is a credit card entry.

I am using FrontAccounting 2.4.2.

I installed the import_transactions extension from the program interface and then copied over these files:


Any help would be much appreciated.

Bill Dika

Thank you Joe.

Bill Dika

I am using Front Accounting 2.3.21 on an Ubuntu server. I have been using it flawlessly for over a  couple of years. Today I went to the install/activate themes page and found that approximately 6 or 7 themes required updating. I updated each theme and found I couldn't switch to another page. I logged out and now get only a white screen when I try to login. The screen does not show any errors.

I would appreciate any help from anyone as this version of front accounting contains approximately 6 years of very detailed personal financial information.

I do have a very current backup.

Thank you.

Bill Dika

I would like to be able to search by individual journal entry memos, not the memo for the journal entry as a whole.

Is this possible? If not, is it on the horizon? When you have thousands of transactions in your books, this type of search could become very useful.

Is an extension possible? Can I search this information using mysqladmin?

Thanks to a great dev team.

Bill Dika

Thank you for the reply apmuthu but I figured out the problem by going into phpmysqladmin.

It turns out that my account group was numbered 3300 and not 33000 and so was not showing up in my reports becauser the number was too low.

Thanks again.


I have an Account Group numbered 33000 and called Income Tax Expense / (Refund) . Under this group I have 2 accounts numbered 33010 (called Income Tax Expense) and 33015 (called Income Tax Refund).

I used the extension Import Multiple Journal Entries to import approximately 6000 transactions, one year at a time.

Everything seemed to go fine until I checked the Profit and Loss Statement which is off by the amounts of the accounts in the Income Tax Expense/ Refund group.

The group shows up in the Account Group drop down for the add GL Account screen but the individual posting accounts and the account group do not show up in the drop down for accounts. However if I try to add the account again with the same number it will not let me.

My imported journal entries show the correct amounts posted to account 33010 (Income Tax Expense), but the posted amounts and the accounts under the missing group do not show up in any Trial Balance,  Profit and Loss Reports or Chart of Accounts reports. Neither does the account group show up in any of these reports.

I have enabled show Inactive accounts but this did not help.

I would very much like to use Front Accounting but I need to find these missing accounts.

I am a chartered accountant and currently use LedgerSMB.

Any help would be much appreciated.


My apologies. I just had to activate it in roles.

Thank you. It now works.


I am using the latest stable version of frontaccounting.

I installed extension to import journal entries but cannot select it. I'm sure I have activated it but it remains greyed out on my menu choices.

Any help would be much appreciated.

