You are right rajbirdhaka. Although the bug is quite harmless, it will be fixed to next minor. The bug shows up when starting up FA, but only if you have specific warnings enabled.
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
You are right rajbirdhaka. Although the bug is quite harmless, it will be fixed to next minor. The bug shows up when starting up FA, but only if you have specific warnings enabled.
As long as you haven't restored any company with this COA, nothing happens. But you can select it, when creating a new company.
Yes, you can do that in phpMyAdmin, however there might be transactions gone to the GL with the old purchase item.
If so, you will have to rectify these too.
Please look in the Wiki.
You must create these service items as yes 'Service Items' when creating the items.
This is sent to Janusz with instructions on uploading it to the repository.
Ok, thanks.
The printed purchase order, do not show our item ids, but the suppliers item item ids. He is certainly not using our item ids. If you have entered Purchase price under Item and Inventory the default info wil come from here.
I will investigate the other things.
I guess that you can still select the email option when using the print out center.
Sounds great!
You could setup another Tax Group with the changed Tax type included.
Then you simply swap the Tax Group on the Customer/Branch or Supplier
No, but you can restore the company from the same script as you started with.
I will have a look at this later this evening.
Yes, I guess this is your solution.
Are you sure you are addressing the right forum. You are talking about Punbb. This is a forum from Punbb, but we are discussing FrontAccounting in this forum, right?
Yes, it was wikied.
The cost prices can be entered with more than user_price_dec decimals. This was implemented a couple of years ago, to compensate for huge rounding problems.
If you buy items from your supplier, you maybe buy in boxes with 100 or more items.
But you sell in 1 items. If you use user_price_dec decimals for your own price you may end up in huge differences in GL inventory.
If this is a problem, you can correct this in Items and Inventory tab, Cost Update. Just enter the cost with user_price_dec decimals for the items that has more than user_price_dec decimals.
I am not sure if this is wikied.
No, No, the function price_decimal_format gets the $dec parameter updated from the decimals in the $number variable.
Everything is at it should be. price_decimal_format returns the formatted amount with de newly found decimals.
The decimal values returned in the $dec parameter can be used later for other things.
If you get your hand on a CSV (comma separated) file with the Chart of Accounts, I can help you create most of it. You will only have to translate, select default accounts later.
So please send me that file.
I am not at my work station at present. The decimals in the cost price is very important due to exactly calculation.
I am not sure what this is about. Will have a look at this later.
When printing Invoices from print-out center, you can select to include a Paypal link.
If you want to be paid by credit card, then create a bank account with the name of the credit card.
We have no option for handling credit card processing, you will have to contact some services for that.
PHP function imagefilledarc, did not accept value $end - $start to be less than 1.
HG repository updated. Attached new file /reporting/includes/
Problem solved. Will be sent to HG repository later today.
This release is a 2.3.13 release, and is considered as stable.
- BLOOMBERG added to Exchange Rate Providers and config.php fix.
- Moved access functions from renderer to current_user. They were cluttered into all themes.
- Date problems fixed and new date formats MmmDDYYYY, DDMmmYYY and YYYYMmmDD implemented. f.i. 10 Nov 2012.
- Removed commented deprecated Session_register().
- Replaced the transaction list in attachments with a pager and made the sortind descent.
- Improved error checking during extension packages installation.
- Fixes in htaccess constraints, restricting System Diagnostic view to admin.
- Fixed confirmation on ajax reloaded buttons (small fix for Gecko like browsers).
- Fixed small bug in mail class, added text/html mime type.
- Cleanup in
- Prevent 'Page expired' messages when 'Back' link is used after login.
- Fixed error message in recurrent invoices.
- Fixed error messages on Sales Groups.
- Sales Quotations and Sales Orders should not require sufficient stock check.
- Dimensions not utilized in Direct Invoice/Delivery.
- Purchase order/Direct GRN/Direct Invoice showed inactive items in item list.
- Could not insert a supplier transaction record in Direct Supplier Invoice (certain MySql versions).
Banking and General Ledger
- Invalid input description in account groups for account class parameter.
- Filter for non-zero values in Bank Statement Report.
Bug 1826 on Mantis.
Joshua (sticmann) reports the problem:
Often on a sales invoice, I get this error without opening any other tabs:
"This edit session has been abandoned by opening sales document in another browser tab.
You cannot edit more than one sales document at once."
I see the function that is throwing the error, but I can't figure out how to make it stop.
We run a retail store, so we use the sales invoice frequently and this is becoming quite a nuisance.
I am running xampp on windows XP with Apache 2.2.21 and PHP 5.3.8
Thank you for any help,
We have reproduced this error in Windows 7 with Apache 2.2.8 and PHP 5.2.6.
There are problems in Windows OS with session handling and we are not able to localize the problem in the code.
The check is done in /sales/includes/, function check_edit_conflicts($cartname='Items').
If this is a problem for you and you are sure that sales documents are never entered by more than one FA user at
the same time, you can eliminate this check by setting the variable $no_check_edit_conflicts=1 in config.php.
This is coming in release 2.3.13 that is about to ship.
We are working on this issue and if anybody can contribute with valuable information regarding this, you are
most welcome.
We want to solve this problem as soon as possible.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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