(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Using HTML TCPDF conversion you have no control over e.g. dimensions of the generated page, so we do not use this function in FA (therefore you are on your own in this case).


(14 replies, posted in Reporting)

You have an option 'Compression' in Backup and Restore screen, which set to yes will result in zipping the backup file.
Beside presented settings you should also check current  'max_execution_time' value.


(9 replies, posted in Wish List)

Links are added on final submenu pages which are displayed after e.g. Direct Sales Invoice entry. You can see 'Add an Attachment' link at the bottom.

But we have a choice to issue credit note against selected Customer Invoice now. This option is available in Customer Transaction Inquiry (red arrow icon option for ionvoice documents).


(14 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks elax, this is excellent explanation.

@MarkAndrew, mustafa et all
As elax clearly stated, this is not FrontAccounting application problem, but problem of security policy as it is implemnted in your company.


Think once again about implication of propsed solution. And never share your password/login then you will be safe.

Two invoices can be enetered by two different users at the same time, but obviously they invoice number hav eto be unique. FA uses database transactions, so there is no way to entry two invoices at the same time: just one will be stored, and second user will encounter error message. Then you just have to incement the invoice number suggested in input field and try store the invoice again. You do not need to abandon edition and change the number in Forms Setup.


(44 replies, posted in Announcements)

Version 2.4.x is not ready to be used safely. This is in beta phase, so you should better stay with current 2.3.19 stable.


(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

Anonymous access to our git repo is already active again. Sorry for the problems.
Keep in mind  git access is still in beta testing and subject to changes. We consider switching our serving software from gitolite to GitLab.


Yes, I know the standard. But for some reason banks preffer to force their own formats, and name them MT940, but those proprietary formats have not much to do (if at all) with MT940 standard.


(19 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

The 'search' options where set in  en_IN, en_SG, en_FR and fr_FR charts. I have switched it off, and the repo is updated.
Thanks for pointing out this problem.



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

No simple way. But you can add new item in popup window available under  F4 key.


(10 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Check if modules/_cache folder is writable.


(3 replies, posted in Translations)


You are welcome to make it better and fill the gap providing new up to date translation.


You can put translation gettext files in modules/dashboard/lang/* subdirectory. If you are unsure how the folders tree should look like, just install any translated module e.g. zen_import and look in modules/zen_import folder.
Do not forget to send the ready translation back to us, so we can make it available for other FA users smile.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

You will have to modify the fragment to:

// START my modification
here i want to write predefined html report here 
// END my modification

And yes, FA use TCPDF class as pdf engine.



(19 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Which chart of accounts you have used for initial setup?



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You can create sales kit for 6 bottles, and set separate price  for the 6 bottles (say 30$). Then when you will select the sales kit in Sales Invoice you will end with 6 bottles 5$ each and no explicit discount.



(4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I guess you would like to have some more sophisticated scenario for discounts, but you have not described your needs. There seem to be no sense in implementing constant (uncondiitional) per item dicount, while you can just set lower price for selected items.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

At least in current (2.3.19) version you can edit sales invoices regardless it is paid or not, unless it was already voided.

I guess answer is not, at least in first case. Allocated amounts are not aged, are they?


Unfortunately this functionality cannot be implemented as a generic module. Despite the fact MT940 standard exists, I do not know two banks which use the same format for bank transactions listings, seems every one developer working for feels the urge to design the wheel again. Therefore I guess you will have to hire some php coder to implement the feature for you and make your life easier.

Just to clarify, checking account can be negative, the constraint applies only to cash accounts.



(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

The fix has been submitted to Hg repo, and git mirror is already in sync with Hg. Sorry for any inconveniences, the problem with mirroring was due to some bugs in older git versions, now omitted in syncing script.


Cash account should never have negative balance, so if it has, you will have this kind of errors.