
(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hello Yeshua,

Yes you are definitely  right - this is not good way of dealing with POST vars.
In most cases this is  only potential danger as user have access to the destructive functions (delete,update) anyway. MySQL does not accept multiply statements in one query, so seems that operations coded in sql statements cannot be spread on other tables.

Anyway thank you very much for your piercing audit smile
Main CVS trunk updated.



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

If you really have two instances of source code you can change session_name() argument in line 113 of session.inc for one of the instances.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

This have to be some very old record, or imported via third party software. Normally apostrophes are quoted in database and therefore does not trigger errors during upgrade.

No problem. Nice to hear that all works right for you.


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

This is somewhat another problem Alvin. I know we should have all the CRUD operations available on all documents, but to remove purchasing module constraints we have to do big code rewrite, so it can take some time. Be patient.

Do not enter $ sign and all should work right.

Always read instructions before system upgrade. See update.html.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

After source upgrade you have to perform database upgrade via Setup/Software Upgrade page. This will migrate all your data to new version.

Read update.html for details.



(4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Well, regarding purchase calculations you are of course right. The purchase pricing data is prepared for target PO system, but it is not finished yet. Finally we want to implement PO units recalculation in FA 2.2, and it will work roughly how you have described it (order one 24pcs package - recive 24 units on inventory).

Currently you have two options: use manufacturing process (if you want to have sales units on inventory), or use Sales Kits/Aliases (then you have only bulk packages on the shelves). Which one you choose is up to you.



(4 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

If you are repacking the items seems the scenario you have described is the best. Or if you do not want to have multiply inventory items because you repack the items at the time of delivery, you can simply define Sales Kits/Alias Code. This way you can have different descriptions on invoice together with different prices, which relate to the same bulk material on inventory.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

infotechaccountant wrote:

reports criteria fields not appear or it is flashing and then disappear

you can visit this link and try demouser and password

Yes you are right, there is some problem when selecting report with hotkeys. One additional fix would be apprioprate is menu tabs layout in Arabic version, but this one have to wait for Joe intervention.

also compatibility with explorer 8 as it is showing false when access the reports links or classes

AFAIK there is no final version of IE8 available yet. We will not change the FA code until M$ know what they want to implement right in final version, so be patient.



(4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

This cannot be fixed without db structure change as we have id field on chart_types auto incrementing (adding group with id=0 generates record with id auto increment). On the other hand it seems to me that your problem can be fixed one level up i.e. by setting Fixed Assets, Current Assets etc on Account Class level. Is this acceptable solution?


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Have you got some HR system which you would want to integrate?


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, good idea. Current solution is not safe.

Ok, I have send you new messages merged with the old  translation.


(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

There is no simple solution here. Purchasing module code has the constraint hard coded, while there was big rewrite to sales module enabling multiply lines for the same stock item (among others). We plan to make some changes in purchasing module  during 2.2, so we can address this problem too.


(4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

This is problem here with too strong constraint set on account groups page (basically there is no reason to refuse 0 vale here). I will try to fix this ASAP, although I'm not sure if the check is the only place to fix, so please be patient.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Currently there is no simple way to entry opening balance. I'm not accounting specialist, but you will find some Joe recipe somewhere on the forum.


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello Attila,
You have found a bug in document mailing. I will check the code and fix CVS ASAP. If you are in a hurry, as simple, but not complete solution please add '/' at beginning of relative path in line 422 of pdf_report.inc.


The empty.po file included in 2.1.1 release is the latest and up to date. If you will be ready contact Joe or me, and I will put the translations download page.
Thanks for your effort.

This is not a bug, this is how the tax system works. Some customers e.g. abroad customers  should be not charged with tax, even if item is standard taxed good. The result taxes are calculated as intersection of customer tax group and item tax group.
More details here: https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewt … 2084#p2084


(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Some additional changes to qoh control has been made. When allow negative stock setting is off  we have signalized low stock also during sales order entry, but as before SO is accepted also with negative stock. CVS main.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Wow, your idea sounds interesting!

You can start with adding following line to renderer.phpfile  in selected theme:

add_js_source('<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=2.0, minimum-scale=.5, maximum-scale=8.0" />');

I think adding his meta tag can be not enough to use FA on small devices like iPod.
Next you can try to make new theme with customized menu layout, by copying default theme to new subdirectory under 'themes' and playing with the copy.



(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Ok,  sales_order_ui.inc fixed in main CVS branch. Please verify if it works for you.


(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, if we are talking about quantity input fierd on Adjustments page ity always defaults to zero, not the inventory status.
Regarding main problem it seems to be related to mantis bug 121, just localized I think.
