If you made a search on this item, you would get plenty of solutions.
Go into Company Setup, Setup tab, and unmark 'Search Suppliers List'. Voila!
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
If you made a search on this item, you would get plenty of solutions.
Go into Company Setup, Setup tab, and unmark 'Search Suppliers List'. Voila!
Yes this was a bug.
Fixed. HG Repository updated.
Download cart_class.inc and replace it in /sales/includes folder.
Thanks for finding this.
I will have a look at this later.
Hi Joe
I wrote a note in memo in direct purchase invoice but I can't see memo in view supplier invoice. Is that a bug?
Yes this was a minor bug. Fixed in HG Repository.
Download the file po_entry_items.php1. Rename to po_entry_items.php and replace in /purchasing folder.
This is in the wrong forum. Should be in Accounts Payable. However I will have a look.
Yes another minor bug here. It was the wrong column that was replaces. It should have been the Cust Order Ref that should have been replaced instead of the Branch.
The Cust Order Ref should be Description when showing delivery and invoice templates. So the content is ok.
Download search_orders_view.php1 and rename it to search_orders_view.php. Then replace it in /sales/inquiry folder.
There is an update.html in the root folder of the installation.
You should be able to upgrade directly to release 2.3.15 (not 14). Just be aware of eventually new flags in config.default.php that should be copied to config.php. There are no database changes in minor release (they all share 2.3).
The cast fix is rather from Janusz
Hello guys,
Yes, certain releases of MySql don't like this.
This has now been fixed in file sql_functions.inc. Please download and replace on your server.
HG repository updated.
Hello erwindebruin,
Yes you are right. I cannot recall why this was changed, but this is now fixed.
Download sales_order_entry.php1 and rename it to sales_order_entry.php and replace the file on your server.
Thanks for pointing out this.
HG repository updated.
I guess the space is rather limited for another column.
There are already shortcuts for dates implemented.
If you enter the date field (the field is marked) you could just press another day and it will use that date. If you enter DD(sep)MM (where the (sep) is the date separator) the day and month are changed.
If you have a format like MMDDYYY, and you enter MM(sep)DD will enter the MMDD and the year is the same.
Yes, of course. Sorry and thanks.
I don't understand why the Sales Quotation doesn't easily convert into Sales Order.
Go into Sales Quotation Inquiry in Sales Tab. Put the mouse over the last but one column on a Sales Quatation. What do you get here. Of course pressing this will create a Sales Order, voila
Ok, Haakon0603, I think I understand what you mean.
The 'else if' sentences should be 'elseif'.
In this specific case this doesn't matter. However for better readness of the code, I will change it.
Please don't mess with php and js, and do what I told you.
There is no problem here.
If you want to look at the js file created from this PHP function, then please look into file /company/0/js_cache/date_picker.js.
Here you can see that everything is ok. It is quite normal to have function inside another function in Javascript.
Well, there was a minor bug in /sales/includes/sales_order_db.inc that eliminated the fallback.
It is now fixed in the HG repo. The file is also attached here:
You can also create a special language file like en_US and en_AU.
In this file you can translate only those words that are different from the original English one.
Try also to look into the server error log. I don't know where that is in IIS, but try to find it.
Somewhere there must be something reported.
I guess, that if there is no branch billing address, then it should use the customer address. I will ask Janusz, why it has been changed to this.
You must have the gd2 extension installed. After that restart the Apache server.
Using poEdit you can create the .mo file. There should be both a .po and .mo file in the /lang/en_IN/LC_MESSAGES/ folder.
After creating the files, please send them to contributions at frontaccounting dot com (please replace at and dot).
It will then be updated in the Repo and can be installed / activated from the setup tab, install / activate language.
There are not enough funds in the cash account. Either change the account type or fund the cash account before using it.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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