Topic: Date Shortcuts via Dropdowns in reports and other forms

One thing that would make Frontaccounting much easier to use would be the addition of "date shortcuts" via a dropdown when selecting reports - especially if leaping between different periods.

So in the company setup one would be able to create a number of tags - e.g. Start 11/12 and a corresponding date e.g. 01/08/2012. When asking for any report  - apart from being able to enter a date - or use the datepicker one would be able to select a "date shortcut". This would make it much easier to drag off reports for say 1 financial year vs year or use standardised dates for certain transactions - e.g. journal entries when doing corrections at the end of a financial period.

Hope this makes sense

Re: Date Shortcuts via Dropdowns in reports and other forms

There are already shortcuts for dates implemented.

If you enter the date field (the field is marked) you could just press another day and it will use that  date. If you enter DD(sep)MM (where the (sep) is the date separator) the day and month are changed.

If you have a format like MMDDYYY, and you enter MM(sep)DD will enter the MMDD and the year is the same.


Re: Date Shortcuts via Dropdowns in reports and other forms

OK. But I think we are looking at different ways of using the software. The date shortcuts you describe don't help in the scenario I'm working with.

If you are looking at results - moving through the financial years - you want to alter the years - but leave the starting day / month and ending day/month the same.

Whilst I imagine that could be provided by sensing the change in year and keeping the day & month values the same - this seems awkward.

Hence the idea about "nicknames" and effectively a pick list of these names. I could imagine that might need to be a separate entry field to ease the programming.