We need time picker and process  time. Might require additional js library and enhance the unit of measure with time factors such as 60 mins as one hour. So the calculation would go without trouble.

May be you can hire a developer to do this.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

Have you implemented HMRC before give it to united kingdom people


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

Joe and itronics has to check the reason,  why it wont allow. The repositories are private from their source. 

Good to hear taking the FA to next level  of users.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

The frontaccounting repository doesnt respond some connections from xampp localhost or the remote calls from http based sites.

Try wirh https sites.

You can use the mins as unit of measure,

And specify  82mins in the invoice. And create the item with editable description.  So you can  specify  1:22 on it.

Void the transactions that you created.and than it will allow you to delete the items.

And also you need to delete orders, and than only you can able to delete the items.

Or use database query to clear them if you are good at coding

This is something we need to round and check it.
There are two scenarios here.




For both cases we have to round it to 1500.

Lets workout this way.

$amount = 1499.94
$rounded_amount = round(1499.94); // 1500 here

  ov discount = rounded_amount- amount

// here this will get the discount in both negative and positive.  You should  store it on ov discount.  I guess it was not used from last updates. Use it by updating the code. If you need you can add discount gl for the discount given.


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hope you set the break point, provision 1 and provision 2.

And if you take the salesman listing report. You can see the commissions of each transaction with its salesman.

And this report has a flaw in it. It connects customers salesman instead entry level.


(3 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

Its like a cash only termed invoice.  Create one cash customer and create tickets and make a receipt in small size as like your ticket need and print it and distribute it to customers.


(7 replies, posted in Installation)

Looks strange. Try from other few browsers as well.

Great to hear dude, you found solution for the problem.

I have the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and for me the same line was actually uncommented there.  But your finding is a good answer to the future seeking people. Thank you for updating the solution to help the community.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

The reason for seeking dynamic url, we should  change it to dynamic url for viewing and the source files doesnt show the path.

And also for the Api, it will be code at single code base to make it work better.  No need separate module for it.

Here somehow my question related to yours.

And i am also trying to get  dynamic url for FA  and also api service.  So we don't need to have separate code for the api.

We also having  a SaaS based service selling. Which  will have some good features. May be you can PM . We can discuss about it.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Does anyone from the members tried to hide the  php file  names in the URL and tried to bring it a dynamic routing

Lets say for example



Like that

Hire a developer,  and put him to correct the existing data and than go  with fresh install of FA recent version  and than use it.

But on existing  data you need one developers  help to identify  the data which gone wrong  and correct that data without affecting GL Transaction.

@joe consider add start date of a company  fiscal year during the time of company  creation.

From sys_prefs table there is an option  gl_close_date which actually plays allowing and closing entires in period to period.  You can  change it from banking and general ledger-> Close GL Transaction.

I am not sure with this. Because  there is a loop whole while calculating the average cost for the item.  Its causing this  issue. We need to identify the exact location  and the input amount to fix this problem. If you help us to identify the problem,  we can fix it for future.

So it freezes on browser. So you need to go with popup search for branches list. Otherwise it will freeze your browser for sometime.

Other than this server config also a problem, increase server spec.


(3 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Hello the world of FA Team members,

Anybody worked with Egyptian e-Invoice system and created module with that ?

and https://sdk.sit.invoicing.eta.gov.eg/

Though the person is same, don't use single  person for two customers and their branches.

I think you can use the same person for more  than one branch under single customer.

@itronics can you advice him the logics behind persons and its entity connectivity. We recently fixed issue with  deletion of persons from suppliers  and customers.

Currently  these kind of  taxation is out of scope. But you can make some  tax function  customization to make it work for you.

@joe consider checking the fact.  If it's really useful for others, will take it to update. Try a poll for this  taxation and get user opinion  and we will proceed it.


(13 replies, posted in Setup)

This is session caching issue. Whenever you  see the login page without company  drop down its timeout page. So you need to have a link in it

Like this
https://yoursite.com/access/logout.php to destory the session and try it a fresh login  page.

@joe branch was coded in customer payment.  But doesnt used it properly. Can we update the allocation  code to pass branch_id and use it effectively in the system.

Goto your phpmyadmin  and open corresponding database  and find gl_trans table.

Here search  type =35. You will  get cost update entry. Find them connected with wrong  amount.  And than only you can able to fix it