I just upgraded from 2.2.10 to 2.3.5 and had no problems.
I also installed into a new directory and new database, mostly so I can run both side by side... just in case
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by tom
I just upgraded from 2.2.10 to 2.3.5 and had no problems.
I also installed into a new directory and new database, mostly so I can run both side by side... just in case
So maybe they could all be the same value?
Seems odd to me...
'define ('SS_IMPORTCUSTOMERS', 105<<8);'
I think a more important question is: Does the 105 have to be unique across all add-on modules?
Are we granted security permissions based upon that bit mask?
If two modules have the same SS_ value won't they be controlled together in the security settings?
I have not looked at osCommerce 3 yet and totally agree.
But the good news is that since I only rely on the database for information it may no be a hard change.
I'd just need to update the SQL entries, since after all it is still just a mysql database (I HOPE)
But, having just upgraded to 2.3.1, moving to 3.0 is not really on my priority list.
TEP 2.1, osc 2.2 core developer
I guess it will be a small module... or maybe a Report...
Yeah maybe... I better upgrade to 2.3 first
The closest thing I have found is Manufacturing-> Costed Bill Of Material Inquiry it is one item at a time, not a report.
But that uses the Unit Cost (I guess which is a running average from manufacturing)
I have gotten an updated price list for all my bulk products and would like to get all the manufactured items Unit Costs updated to match.
Then I can take the price list apply my markup and generate a sales price list...
It looks like I need to do a lot of this manually...
Which report gives the item COST based on the manufacturing components?
I need to update my sales pricing and to do this I first want to review the material cost of all items,
including manufactured items.
I'd like to export it in excel so I can generate price lists to be imported.
I have looked around and done some searches but I can't find out how...
Thanks to Janusz for pointing out my mistake.
I have submitted a new release for posting on the website.
I also added code to automatically detect if you are using the same DB for both.
It pretty much assumes that if the server and db name you give have osc tables in them
then you are using one DB, otherwise they are separate.
You still should use a unique mysql user if you are using different db's on the same server.
I look for the osc table 'order_status_history' actually I look for a table that contains that
string anywhere in the name kajsdfgajs_order_status_history_laksdaklsjd matches
I hope this helps
I can't imagine that that has changed.
Is it possible that TB_PREF is wrong?
What company number are you working with?
Maybe the module install had TB_PREF set wrong?
@Jason - I will call it a Price List - If you edit a Price List it changes the price for all customers assigned to that Price List. You could have 1 price list for each customer, or have 3 different price lists and pick the price list based upon the customer's volume, negotiating skills, etc
@itronics: Sounds like Ed wants dynamic special pricing based on date, stock levels etc. FA can't do that, but on a Line by Line item you can change the price or set the discount.
@ed One way I could see to support this kind of pricing was if we were to expand the Sales type to include a Group of Price lists. For example the Sales type could retain the Price Factor to handle the default price (based on the Base Price List) and then an ordered list of price lists, if the item is not found in the First list, the second one is checked, etc If it is found you are done, if it was not found in any then use the Base Price * factor as it does now.
It might take a new table or a new field in an existing table but with a little bit of work it could be done and would be a great contribution to the project!
Under Sales->Manage Customer there is a pull down menu "Sales Type/Price List"
That pull down is a complete price list for all products.
These price lists are created under Sales->Sales Types
Once created you can edit the per item prices under Items and Inventory->Sales Pricing
I looked at the factor field in the Sales type and it seems to be used to automatically generate
a price based upon the Base Price using that factor if there is no Sales Pricing defined.
If there IS a Sales Pricing price entered it will use it (and ignore the factor)
You should be able to create a price list with the factor = 1.00 (100%) and then edit the
prices as you see fit under Items/Inventory -> Sales pricing
It is actually a helpful shortcut, if you know you can offer 5% off of any product you can use
a factor of 0.95, now if you have some items that you want to make 45% off you have to enter
that price by hand.
Any prices manually entered will have to be manually updated when prices change.
Ok here I go with Backup in hand!
ps. editing the database directly is NOT for the faint of heart! and *always* have a backup ready for when you DO mess up!
Could it be as simple as clearing the 'reconciled' field?
But there is still the question of where are the beginning/ending balances stored for each statement.
Perhaps a bank_trans transaction?
Since the reports are numbered and so are the various option pull-downs,
it might be easy to have the report remember the last options selected,
cookies might be easiest or something in the account.
Since it is just a convenience, cookies may be best
Is there any easy (or hard) way to remove a statement to start it over?
I have a messed up statement and I just noticed there is an extra statement that only about a week long.
I must have made a typo on the date one time... this could explain why it is messed up.
Yes I have backup *now* but I am not sure when that extra statement came in.
ckrosco - when you are done please send me your file and I will update and post the new file for all to use
Yes that sounds right
Quantity is Quantity on hand
Demand is the Quantity requested by pending Sales Orders
Available is Quantity-Demand (possible negative)
On Order is the number on order via PO's
LOL I guess that is a HINT!!!
Taxes due soon... I will look at it when I can!
When I do a supplier payment the comments are added to the remittance, but they are not part of the PDF file that is emailed.
Also the text of the email says:
Subject: Order No. 45
Dear name etc,
Attached you will find Order No. 45
Thank You
ORDER NUMBER? That should say something different.
It would be real nice if the comments could be in the email as well as in the PDF file.
That could be true of all the emails sent or maybe an extra step to allow entering any comments for the text of the email
I think the level of integration is up to you.
For example in the osCommerce interface I support for following actions:
Import new osC Customers
Import new osC Orders
Check Prices
Update Prices
The FA Module basically Pulls data from the osC database.
This was easily done from FA because osC's database structure is compact and easy to work with in pure SQL.
It sounds like SugarCRM is best accessed from within it's own environment.
I ran some tests on a test server.
I guess it is no surprise (to me now) that a Bank Payment to a Supplier is the same as a Purchasing -> Supplier Payment
Those payment should be made when I will be invoiced.
For my pay on demand I should use a Misc Payment or even a Quick entry.
So it now seems very logical that I will need to add a Dummy Invoice to allocate the payments to
One example is US Postal Service. I buy postage two ways, online and dropping off a package.
No Invoice, just a recipt.
I just created Suppliers for the places a lot of money goes too.
Shipping, Raw Material, Credit Card Processing
Or should I only use Suppliers for those costs that allow delayed payment?
It seems that using a Bank Payment and Selecting a SUPPLIER is about the same as Purchases Payment to Supplier.
In that they both need allocation to an invoice later.
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by tom
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