
(15 replies, posted in Setup)

You should also set tax group containing both tax types and apply it to your customer.


(3 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Look into reporting/includes/doctext.inc and doctext2.inc


(38 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Coolers, I do not want to discourage you in your approaches, but I think you are wrong in most of your argumentation. Both FA and vtiger has long history which resulted in two different code bases for which the only common point is php/mysql usage. It means that to incarnate your vision you have to completely rewrite either vtiger or FrontAccounting. Or rewrite them both from scratch. If it is (unlikely) successful, you will also have to complete developers team which will continue the progress made currently by the two teams, and ensure potential users they have continous bugfix support. If you prefer this over contributing to any of the two projects, I can only wish you good luck. If you think that FrontAccounting and/or vtiger are simply perfect and they only need merging, it means you do not know FA nor vtiger well. I prefer to spent my time on making FA really bugfree and complete in this narrow ERP range which it support, than make it big, unmaintainable and even more incomplete system.

Bruzergear, I really understand the power of workflows and custom fields implemented in vtiger, and I share your enthusiasm to it. Some day in  a future it surely will be implemented. But for the reasons explained in another thread (about POS features) this have to wait for implementation in unknown future. If you really want speed this process up you can contact me directly via pm/email with any prepositions. Unfortunately I had no luck trying contact you after the mentioned discussion about POS.

I guess the working hours are per branch, not per customer parameter.
You can also add it as additional line in branch delivery address. Yo will have individual open hours printed on every document for given customer/branch without additional coding effort.


Well, I have not made any exhaustive research, so it is my opinion based both on my experience and FA users feature requests. What I considered specific is your need for having individual per customer description. I'm not sure you know that you can set a text to be added to all customer quotation/invoices (romalpa clause) in System and General GL Setup. Is it what you want?

BTW no crucial change in minor FA releases are allowed which could break operation of extension modules, so the need for module update can appear (if at all) say once a half a year, next during switch from 2.2 to 2.3 branch.

Yes, surely. Please consider subscription to developers mailing list. This is probably the best way of contact between developers.


(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

We are considering change in report language just now, but multilanguage descriptions for items is more complex thing. This needs changes in database structure on meta level e.g. some convention how store item descriptions for arbitrary number of installed languages. If you have some ideas how to implement it do not hesitate to share them  on developers mailing list.


Yes, maintenance of custom changes in core code made apart from development team can be difficult task. So it is always good to consult the planned development approaches with other developers, just to avoid later problems with integration.

Our policy is to include in core source all third-party code which we consider generic enough to be usable for some wider part of FA users community. Every new features of special use, like data import or implementation of local legal requirements should be prepared as extension modules.

FrontAccounting  is used by many people as one of base applications in their everyday business activity, so we have to ensure the core code is stable enough and not overloaded with not needed features/controls. Extension modules idea is suitable for most additions, so I think it will do also for you. If not we are open on discussion about it.

Regarding the feature you signalized in start of this thread, I think it is too specific to your business to be included in core. For most users probably it is simply not needed, and when included in core it means for them additional per-customer configuration option never used, but occupying place on screen. So in this case answer to question whether it can be done is: of course it can be, but the idea is too specific to make all FA users happy with this wink.



(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)


Please send your code to contributions mailbox you will find on site contact page. Preferred form is patch against some FA version, but you can also zip changed files. I cannot guarantee the code will go to core directly, but we will consider the integration or will propose another way of sharing.

Look into our download section - you have a couple of chart of accounts ready to use. You can update your database with those files before you start if you wish.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I don't know the exact reason but this FTP issue was reported here some time ago.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can access FrontAccounting CVS repository on sourceforge.net (read only anonymous access). If you want to share your ideas with other developers please subscribe to developers mailing list. If you simply want to send some code to be considered for inclusion in next FA versions, you can use contributions mailing box from our Contact page.  All the related links you will find on our wiki.

BTW. column sort is supported in paged queries, although not always enabled.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Seems you have truncated current_user.inc file.  It is 508 lines long, so obviously $end is not on line 372 smile.

You have recognized the input meaning right. Host is MySQL server name or IP, use localhost if it is located on the same box where apache is run. If you want to share the same database for both companies you have to use prefixes for tables (for both companies). Database script is used to fill the database on start - use en_US-new.sql from FA distribution, or download another one from our site and use it. New admin password is used later to login to the new company to admin account.

I'm not sure. Shared hosting service quality always depends on provider policy. If they  want increase money return too much having lots of customers on the same server without further investments, the quality will be poor. Both our demo servers are on shared hosting, not VPS and they work right.

You can check how the system works in non-ajax mode. To do it  logout from FA, switch javascript off in your browser, then login into FA again. Now you will find the user interface changed slightly, and no ajax calls are used but only synchronous page updates after press on any submit button.
Open the page you had troubles with timeouts, and observe how much is server response to any form submits,delayed. If response is slow - you should change your hosting. If system response is fast we will have to find what is exact problem.



(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Sorry, I don't use Windows at all. Maybe somebody else can help with this ?


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

This subject was explained already on forum e.g.here.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Well, Alvin, you have badly configured tax system in your FA instance. I think you should read a couple of posts here on forum were the tax system was explained in details e.g. here. Unfortunately the explanation was not added to Wiki yet.


Yes, contacts table for customer/supplier relationships is definitely good idea.
Rod, could you add this idea  to future development wiki page for later discussion/refinement?


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Really strange.  I guess there is something wrong with sys_types table in your database?


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Sure. I will try to add this feature before next major release. We will need extend database structure a little to implement allocations to orders, so we cannot do it before 2.3 release.


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Look into System Diagnostics page. Most likely you haven't installed ar_EG locales on your server.


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

My notice was related to Report Generator extension module, which allow executing arbitrary php code, which violates any security measures on server and should be allowed only for site admin (if at all).

If you are talking about Reporting module included in core FA it IS secure, and should be available for all companies.