
(8 replies, posted in Reporting)

Comment out line header2.inc:318.


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Oh, yes. However if you have uploaded also the old database content, the path should be also preserved on new system. Anyway fine that it works.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I'm not sure about the systems you have used. I think the problem is on accounting part of the application, not ERP, so if this was a case of ERP-only system they could work. FA is both ERP and accounting app. Selling negative quantities instead of explicit discount is counterintuitive. Taking into account also possible side effects in GL calculations I would not like to remove this constraint.


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

It should have nothing to do with MySQL version. Try run the same procedure with javascript switched off in your browser. In this (fallback) mode more messages are displayed in case of any errors.

I guess the problem is not _exactly_ the same. In contrast to sridhar you are running Linux, not Win. If you checked php.ini, and above advice is not enough, probably you have not installed php5-mysql package.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I doubt that accounting knows something like negative quantity sales. At least FrontAccounting doesn't know.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

All theme related files are placed under themes/* folders. You can experiment with the standard themes based on tables, or alternative themes using divs like studio available on download page.


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Item codes should resemble the item itself, otherwise salesman's documents entry performance will suffer. Resemblance can't be achieved using automatically assigned numbers, so overall performance improvement is at least questionable.

Service (read dummy) inventory type should be used in this case. If you want real services to be posted in GL to another accounts than consumables,you can still select different GL accounts.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

What is your MySQL version?

I guess cheques should not be allocated until it is realized, as after allocation the AR account for customer is updated. They should be posted to separate cheque account, waiting for realization.


You have to open Customer Allocations and allocate the payment to related invoice. If there was nothing sold to this customer yet, the payment have to wait for next invoice to be allocated to.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

This is not related to FA but rather to php5.3 itself (see here). If you do not need sqlite and have access to php.ini you can remove related module form configuration. Otherwise I don't know.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You have to enable tax group edition in Access Setup for every role you want. Access setup for current user is effective after relogin.


(17 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The last two postings in fact does not depend on transaction amount, but on exchange differences and actual currency account  balance:

exchange_variance = (old_rate-current_rate)* account_balance.

As I said, automatic posting of exchange variances on every currency transaction can be misleading, but above posting are probably entirely right.



(10 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks for nice words.

sheshagirig wrote:

in inventory, i want the person should be able to close the date and once closed the data should not be editable by the person who enters the stock data.

Current permissions structure does not allow such configuration. You would need customizations in the php code. If you know php you can do it yourself, otherwise you will have to pay some programmer to have this implemented.



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Check if you have all FA release files installed on your server. The problem can appear when you haven't /sql/en_US-*.sql files installed.


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

I guess Sheshagirig would like more xhaustive example data set than that included in en_US-demo.sql. I agree it would be useful as the demo set does not cover all FA features.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You are welcome smile.


(8 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Not a problem at all. I'm just curious whether business logic implemented by FA includes all needed features, and javascript rings and whistles are all what they need  to be happy. If the customer want to pay enough the UI to FA database can be made even in VBA or using OpenOffice documents as an interface. This is just matter of time and money smile.



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I'm not sure if the same comments should go into the pdf document just emailed and into the email content. I guess there is also some other fixes needed here.
As emailing documents is not so often used feature (at least not by me or Joe), we have not touched it waiting for somebody else who can fixit and test the changes thoroughly.



(8 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well, I'm not sure what is the sense in rewriting the user interface to as exotic library as extjs? I guess the only expected effect is much bigger hardware requirements on every box used on client side, while the input performance would be suffered by lack of full keyboard based interface.  Isn't it better to devote the time and resources to provide all those important ERP features FA lacks so far? Or I missed something...


Manufacturing module is somewhat simple, so I guess there is no easy way to fulfill your needs. Probably it would need rewriting of code related to manufactured items receival.


(17 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I don't know what is 1210 amount at the moment of above posting, so it can be right anyway. If you have 98.000 in GBP in Lloyds Bank and there is change of 1 cent in exchange rate, the result in exchange variance is post on amount 980 USD. This is right, although I see no reason why it is appended to the post just issued , and not added as separate bank resources revaluation post.
In example above in fact the revaluation has nothing to do with Hosting/Domains payment itself.


(8 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, as of  FA 2.2.7 some sql statements are still placed inside files responsible for business logic. In next (2.3) release all sql statement are moved to respective database related files under */includes/db directory. We have not decided to follow strict MVC approach, but we use the best part of this pattern, I think. Model part is cleanly separated in next version, but view/controller parts are still mostly placed together to make whole source better readible. They in fact does not need separation, as all gui controls are drawn with helper functions which make php source compact and easy to understand. Eventually you can consider files under /includes/ui directory as a framework for view part of MVC model.

FrontAccounting lacks some functionality of webERP like inventory serial control, but if you need it,  it is much easier to add it to FA than rewrite webERP sources smile.
