Topic: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

Why is not possible to have negative qty or price on the invoice?

I want to add one item that shows discount instead of using the discount %
Is this possible?


Re: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

Item 1  2pcs    100.00   200.00
Item 2  1pc      100.00  100.00
Item 3  1pc     -50.00    -50.00
Total                            250.00

Why is this not possible to do?


Re: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

I doubt that accounting knows something like negative quantity sales. At least FrontAccounting doesn't know.

Re: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

ok, I use a copuple of commerical ERP system as well and both can do this.


Re: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

I'm not sure about the systems you have used. I think the problem is on accounting part of the application, not ERP, so if this was a case of ERP-only system they could work. FA is both ERP and accounting app. Selling negative quantities instead of explicit discount is counterintuitive. Taking into account also possible side effects in GL calculations I would not like to remove this constraint.

Re: Negativ qty or price on Invoice

Both these commercial system that we use is also accouning systems.

I like to have on the invoice a fixed discount.
Like if you buy product a and b you X in discount (a fixed amount)
+Product A
+Product B
-Discount X
