(16 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

using 2.2.2

I have base currency USD, and currencies HNL, GTQ,  I have a mix of all 3 currencies for sale prices,  When I try to make a sale in GTQ, the items that are priced in HNL, return a 0.00, and when I try to make a sale in HNL, the items priced in GTQ return a price of 0.00  Price list do the same thing...print in GTQ, price in HNL show 0.00

Let me know what you think of this?




(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

My money is in...

Try this demo: https://shop.merchantos.com/register.php?demo=1&prefill_user=imademo&prefill_pwd=thisismypass

We maybe able to buy some of this code???  but if we can get some help with this, these features are a good start.

I still think that a little java code running local with some db syn, is the best way??

But we need specs, road map, etc  To those of us in the retail trade, lets get these things posted here, and the wiki updated.

It is only a mater of time before we get this done, but we must work at it...


Dear Mr. axe man.

Over the years I have tried every open source erp system out there using php mysql, and I have not found a more aggressive dev team.  If you read some more in this forum you will see that bugs when they are identified are fixed.  Not all of us use FA in the same way, some parts of FA I will never use in our business, there may be bugs I will never know of.

If you find a bug it will be fixed!!

Happy FA


Thanks Joe

Looks like - Sales > Customer Credit Note - will do it. Maybe I will make a note over at the help wiki about this...

I would like to see a Sale Return feature, maybe something as simple as a negative quantity in Direct Invoice, it would put item back in inventory and calculate credit or amount due back to the customer.

Please post what you think...




(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

bruzergear wrote:

Modify the "Direct Invoice" feature to do the following additional things:

a. Calculate Change from an "Amount Tendered" field if the payment method is "Cash"

In the wiki

bruzergear wrote:

b. Give the Option to "Print Receipt" for the customer after the sale.

I think you can do this now.

bruzergear wrote:

c. Have a credit card # field and Expiration Date fields for typing or using a card swiper to fill in the credit card # and exp. date for processing credit cards through a payment gateway. (Authorize.net)

This will not be hard, Authorize.net has everything to do it.

bruzergear wrote:

Idea #2:

Don't have a POS system in Front Accounting, but make it very quick to do a "Direct Invoice" to multiple Sales Orders in Front Accounting.
That would allow people to use other POS systems and all they would have to do is get all their sales data into the Front Accounting database as "Sales Orders"   
This could be done fairly easily through an "Import Orders" function. I think there are already import features being worked on for importing orders from websites.

**The key would be to get all your orders from your POS system into Front Accounting as Sales Orders and then be able to do a "Mass Direct Invoice" on all those sales orders to do all the debits and credits for those sales without having to spend a ton of time doing delivery and invoicing and payments on all those sales orders one at a time.**

Maybe under the "Invoice against Sales Delivery" there could be an option called "Mass Direct Invoice Sales Orders" or something like that which would take you to a screen that shows you a list of your sales orders with a check box by each sales order that you could select and then hit a button called "Process Orders" or something like that which would then do everything that a Direct Invoice would do on those orders your selected.

This will not be easy, when you make a Direct Invoice lots of tables are updated.  It would be best to have a POS module made to work with FA.  I will post more on this later...



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

jafu wrote:

I have the same problem, and I can't solve it.
I've upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2 and I applied the upgrade to the database, no problem there, I could browse through the tabs. All users have a prefix FA 2.1, I've create a new role as Alvin said,  I reassigned the new role to adminitrator user, and comment the security_group and security_headings, then I logout.

When I try to login again appears the message: "The security settings on your account do not permit you to access this function", and I can't login.

Can you explain how to fix this?


Start over with a db back up of 2.1  follow upgrade guide, then before you logout you must go to Setup, Access Setup, and add New role, (Its has been a few days, so I can't remember), but I think... with the new role go back to setup, user accounts setup, and see if you can change the Access Level settings before you logout or change your config.php, but I do remember if it don't work, you must start over with a db back up of 2.1 I think this where your problem is.  You may need to go the database, drop tables, run, 2.1 back up.sql, etc. But it won't work if you don't start from a good rollback.

Happy FA


(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

I am with you bruzergear, see you in the wiki for a POS planing and specs...



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Ok forget what I just said about location.. I just not getting result I need. I need "codes.stock_id, codes.description, stock.reorder_qty" and more later.

Where "stock.reorder_level < (Re-Order Level)" for Location X.

Tom, I guess it is a date issue, what I need to add is Quantity On Hand, for today, stock.reorder_level < moves.qty; needs to be for todays date, for that stock_id.  Something like the function get_qoh_on_date.

Sorry I don't know much about this...  what do ya think?



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hello Tom, Thanks for your help!!

I need to add, where stock.reorder_level >= moves.qty; (location,qty) I need to sort be Location Qty, not all location's qty's,  did I say that right?

Thanks for all the help from the SQL Dept.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Just checking, I see this did not make it to 2.2, maybe later, maybe others who manage inventory could use this as well...

Happy FA smile

I see you have done a lot of updates to cvs today,  Maybe I wait a day or two, before I get the latest from main.

What kind of time are you looking at for release 2.2.1?


When you AltTab between windows on ms windows os, and back to FA window you lose the ability to enter text in the form boxes until you reload your window, losing what you have entered so far, Alt Tab from FA and back, you can not enter any more, until reload page, loosing what you have entered earlier.  Did I say all that right?


Seems techman has the same problem, he says "itronics, was kind enough to help. He promised fix is on its way on the next release soon. So be patience for the next release.
I hope this helps."

Guess I upgraded just a little to soon, I love being a pioneer...

Janusz let us know when you get this fix in cvs, I will go grab it...

Joe has directed me here from https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=944 it seems I have the same problem as techman...

Was this problem solved?


Using 2.2 When I try to Place Invoice, I get this message: The entered information is a duplicate. Please go back and enter different values. 

I have tried a few things to get around this. but no luck.

What do you think I should try or look for?


itronics wrote:

I cannot reproduce first issue. All works right for me. Also nothing was changed since 2.1 beside adding CtrlEnter hotkey.
Regarding problem with AltTab this is related to 2.1 hotkeys system. Fixed, main CVS updated. Thank you.


Hello Janusz

Sorry to inform that this little AltTab problem has come back in 2.2, I now use chrome for a browser, I have not tried on FF... but this was not a problem in V2.1 after your fix above...

Please let me know what you think?



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I did the update to 2.2 everything went smooth for the most part...

after the update, I commented out the old security arrays, but now I get an error: (Incorrect Password - The user and password combination is not valid for the system).  When I add the old security arrays back, no change, still have error, even after clear cache.

What should be the procedure for update in this area?  Access setup, Security Settings.



Solved:  I started over with the upgrade, After you do the upgrade system, you must go to Setup, Access Setup, and add New role, at least one maybe Admin role,  if you don't do this before you delete or comment out the old security arrays in config.php you will be locked out, it seems.

In upgrade how to it says:

"Enter 'Setup' tab, 'Access Setup'. Check all the roles and change as you please. The roles have been converted from the former Access Roles and may need some changes."

I did not get any roles converted from former security system until I created New role in upgraded system.  Then of course you will need to go back and create more Access roles and change users to these roles.

This may not be the case with every 2.1 to 2.2 upgrade, but if it is the upgrade how to should state this.

Happy, FA


Thanks Joe

I took a look at the data base, and the table was empty? Got no idea how this could have happened, but with the three rows, or records added it works.


Here is one I just got when I hit the Journal Entry in Banking and GL, I have not looked at the DB yet...

DATABASE ERROR : could not retreive quick entries
error code : 1054
error message : Unknown column 'type' in 'where clause'
sql that failed was : SELECT id FROM 0_quick_entries WHERE type='3'

What do think?



(11 replies, posted in Setup)

Seem like I had this problem, I just moved my data from company 1 to company 0 and the problem went away, but that requires some data base stuff, I don't use multi companies with a single install anymore, it seems to make things run better...


(0 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

It would be nice to have the Process Payment, Process Deposit, Place Invoice, and maybe other buttons to have the hot key feature, you must now hit the tab key 7 times to get to these buttons when you are ready for them...


(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes Janusz,  the integrated pmwiki is great just the way it is, it gives admin the power to direct their users on how their system is to be used, it might be nice to have a section of the publicly available documentation wiki that a user could cut/paste as a starting point to edit their own integrated pmwiki with...

We are starting to see the same how to questions asked over and over, here in this forum. A publicly available documentation wiki will help to ease this...

I look forward to it.


Tocharsy wrote:

when i made a direct sales delivery, it complains that there is not enough quantity of the item, therefore delivery cannot be done.

I have not started on 2.2 yet... but in 2.1 you can just go to: Setup>System and General GL Setup>Inventory>Allow Negative Inventory:, and check the box.

Works for me...


(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

I too think it is time for a wiki...  There is a lot of howto in this forum, and it should be brought forward to a wiki.

I think http://www.mediawiki.org/ would be good.  Put it in a sub domain (wiki.frontaccounting.com) To start just strip out all the howto in this forum and put it in the wiki. I maybe could find a little time to help...