(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I'm not sure if I understand you right, but this application does not allow to open more than one transaction at the same time. When you edit e.g. Sales Invoice cart variable $_SESSION['Items'] is created and application use it during data entry. When you open the Sales Order again the session variable is just overwritten. Some workaround is to open the document in another browser (if you have two on your box wink ). Every browser has its own cache for cookies so they open separate sessions.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi guys. Thank you both for tracking down the problem. I couldn't reproduce the bug 709, now I know why. The fix will be included in next (2.3.4) release.



(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Sorry, double quote problem is not enough to start  forum from scratch again wink.


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You have to enlarge  locations.loc_code field, and also elarge related fields which use location code in other tables.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I' not sure I undrstand you right. If you are looking for the line code which create item cart it is placed in line 70 of transfer.php.


(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, lack of time suffers all of us smile.
Regarding 'variables being kept per instance'  you can use sys_prefs table (if  you mean company level settings).

This is not available from the box. If you wish you can customize the invoice report.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)

The messages are included in the table just as a comment helpfull in recognizing where the query was issued. If you want to find real problems, just make a query like:

SELECT * FROM 0_sql_trail where result=0


(14 replies, posted in Setup)

I think this is rarely used worldwide, so - if you have free resources - you can try to implement it yourself, and then submit the code as contribution to be included in core source. The implementation should include:
. the two additional settings in System and GL Setup visible when config.php variable e.g. $separate_loss_act is set to true;
. implement changes in closing year procedures activated with the same variable.

Not too much work, and if you will try to mimic coding style used in FA core, there is a big chance to be included in some next release smile.


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

No, FA should suport multiply extensions. Maybe you have misconfigured hooks file, or you have found a bug.

Seems this query is not compatible with MySQL 4 (works right under 5.1). If you can, please try to locate the problem testing the displayed query in phpmyadmin.



(35 replies, posted in Translations)

The problem with nl_NL package (missing *.mo file) will be fixed after 2.3.3 release, which is planned today.


(23 replies, posted in Misc. Charts of Accounts)

The easiest way is just to install FA when the box is connetced to interenet. The connection is not required later for normal use. Other option is to copy indonesian COA from working installation where i t is installed and restore it via Creat/Restore Backup.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I personally use FF 3.5.16 without problems, but version 3.6 ay differ in this aspect.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, this could be done, but still this is not implemented.

Inventory transfer edition is not implemented yet. You have to void trnasfer and entry it again.

Yes, you can. The only result will be missing hotkeys, but you can always use mouse and/or arrow keys.

FrontAccounting does not remove old companies when you create new one. You have to create new companies via Setup/Create/update companies menu option.

Well, seems gettext is just not configured  to support pl_PL with ISO-8859-2 on your system. Search in forum  how to setup Linux system to  support any language/encoding you wish.

Seems you have installed some local extension module, and entries in array located in installed_extensions.php file does not contain 'package' element.
Just add 'package' => 'my_local_highly_secret_package'  to this entry in $installed_extensions array wink.

Probably you have broken database (sys_types array is empty).


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

You can try to customize reporting/includes/class.mail.inc class function to use pear instead builtin php mail() function.

You cannot allocate payment to delivery, only to invoices.

You can entry payments separately, but you can only allocate them against invoiced delivery.

You will see your package in the list displayed in Install/Update Languages page under Setup menu of your application. Just install it.


PS If you have local version first uninstall it.